Saturday, February 8, 2025

Interview with Jennifer Marie


Monika: Today, I have the absolute pleasure of speaking with an incredible advocate, leader, and inspiration in the transgender community - Jennifer Marie. With over a decade of success in sports marketing and financial services, Jenn was known for her ability to foster meaningful business partnerships. But her true passion has always been about connection - both in the corporate world and in community service, where she continues to serve as a dedicated board member for two non-profits.
In 2024, Jenn took her commitment to empowerment to the next level by founding Jennspire, a coaching service designed to uplift and guide transgender individuals and their families toward authentic joy and fulfillment. She is also the author of Ask Me Anything: My Transparent Transition Story (2024), a deeply personal and enlightening biography.
Jenn is the visionary behind Gender Equilibrium™, a unique framework helping individuals find their place of peace and balance within the gender spectrum. She also founded Jennspire Sisterhood, a private and supportive community where trans women, gender-fluid individuals, crossdressers, and others across the gender spectrum can find true sisterhood, encouragement, and personal growth.
Monika: Jenn Marie is more than a coach - she is a trailblazer, a mentor, and a source of unwavering support for so many in our community. I’m honored to welcome her today as we dive into her journey, her mission, and the incredible work she’s doing to inspire others. Jenn, welcome!
Jenn: Hi Monika! It’s great to be here!
Monika: After listing all your achievements, I’m starting to suspect you’ve unlocked the secret to a 48-hour day! Seriously, do you even sleep, or are you running purely on determination and caffeine?
Jenn: LOL! Last year was an absolute whirlwind—a beautiful blur of passion and purpose! Believe it or not, I accomplished all of that in just a few months. I wrote, edited, and published my book in four months, then recorded the audiobook in another month—all while launching Jennspire coaching and building the Jennspire Sisterhood from the ground up. My TV probably gathered dust, and let’s just say sleep wasn’t exactly a priority. But I wouldn’t trade a single late night because every moment was fueled by my deep commitment to this mission. I knew that my book and my business weren’t just projects; they were life-changing tools for the people who needed them. And that kept me going.
Monika: I have so many questions I’d love to ask you, but let me start with something that truly intrigued me. On your website, you shared a video of your public coming-out speech at your Rotary club - delivered completely in 'man mode' - in front of about 100 people. You looked so composed and confident! When I think back to my own coming out at work, I was on the verge of tears and full of anxiety. How did you manage to stay so cool under pressure?
Jenn: First, I made the decision to give that speech in 'guy mode' because, at the time, I was the most public-facing person for my organization locally. I knew that if word got out before I had a chance to tell my own story, the gossip mill would run wild. I was determined to stay ahead of it and control the narrative. So, while I stood in front of that room delivering my speech, I had an email simultaneously going out to hundreds of people and the same message being shared across all my social media platforms.
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I had been preparing for that moment for months, and as the day grew closer, so did my confidence. Don’t get me wrong—I was nervous. Public speaking had always been one of my biggest fears. But when I stepped up to that podium, something shifted. My inner confidence, my true feminine energy, took over. It wasn’t just about getting through a speech—it was about stepping into my truth with poise and self-assurance. And that made all the difference.
Monika: Many of us embrace life as wives, mothers, and daughters, doing our best to leave the past behind. But you’ve chosen a different path - becoming a visible advocate for transgender rights and working to shape a more positive image of our community in society. Have you ever felt the temptation to stay in the closet and simply live as a woman, rather than as a transgender woman?
Jenn: Honestly, my passion for this work has made that temptation pretty rare. Right now, changing lives and reshaping society’s image of our community is incredibly empowering for me. I can’t say with certainty what the future holds or how long I’ll continue in this role, but at this moment, I love what I do, and I have no plans to stop.
That said, I also value the simple joy of just being—of blending in and living my life as any other woman. When I’m out running errands, getting my nails done, or just enjoying everyday moments, I don’t feel the need to announce that I’m trans, nor do I wear trans or LGBTQ+ apparel. In those times, I’m simply one of the girls, embracing my womanhood without explanation. For me, advocacy and personal authenticity aren’t in conflict—they’re two sides of the same coin.
Monika: In the preface of your book, you mention that your true gender identity was right in front of you your whole life, but you ignored it because you were naive, scared, and didn’t have the resources to understand it. Now, you’re the resource for others going through similar experiences. I can’t think of a more powerful reason to write a book. So, what would you say are the main takeaways from your story?
Jenn: I was terrified. I wanted so badly to tell people what I was feeling and to understand it myself, but every time I tried, I was told that what I was doing was wrong—that I needed to stop. I remember how devastating that was. It made me hide—not just from others, but from myself. And I know I’m not alone in that. I’ve met so many people who have felt the same way, who are just trying to explore what their feelings mean. That’s why I created all of this—to give others the resources I never had. As for the main takeaways from my story, I’d say:
  1. People should feel free to explore who they are. No one should have to suppress their truth out of fear or shame.
  2. Wherever you land on the gender spectrum, embrace it—but don’t get stuck. That was my secret. Once I started truly exploring—through self-reflection, therapy, and research—I allowed myself to move through the process instead of resisting it. In my book, you see that journey unfold: from having no words for my experience, to identifying as a crossdresser, to dual-gender, to trans-questioning, and ultimately to embracing myself as a proud transgender woman. Each stage was valid, but for me, they were stepping stones toward full authenticity.
  3. Openness creates understanding. That’s why I wrote this book—not just for those questioning their gender, but for anyone who struggles to understand the gender spectrum, especially cis people. No matter what someone believes or what higher power they worship, if they approach my story with an open mind, they’ll learn a lot. And to make it even easier, I end the book by answering the questions most people are too afraid to ask.
At the end of the day, my journey isn’t just about me—it’s about giving others the courage to explore theirs.
"Openness creates understanding."
Monika: You also mentioned growing up in a Christian home and embracing your faith as you fully embraced your identity. That’s such a unique experience. From what I’ve seen and heard from others, there are usually two paths: one where being transgender leads to rejection by church officials, and the other where there's an internal struggle with God - feeling loved by Him/Her/Them but questioning why you were placed in a body that doesn’t match your true identity. How did you navigate those feelings?
Jenn: Growing up in a Christian home and later choosing to attend more evangelical groups only made me repress myself further. I had already been told as a child that my dressing was wrong, but those groups reinforced the idea that anything LGBTQIA+ was against God. And I didn’t want to go against God. So, I buried that part of myself even deeper.
The one thing I never fully convinced myself was wrong, though, was wearing women’s clothes. No matter how much I tried to resist it, I just couldn’t believe that God actually cared if I did that. So, I kept dressing in secret—hundreds of times over more than 30 years—before I finally decided to explore why I felt compelled to do it.
When I realized I was part of the LGBTQIA+ community, I had to confront some hard truths. I had spent my life looking down on and judging this community, believing what I was taught about it being sinful. Now, I had to do the work—deep, intentional work—to understand whether what I had been told was actually true. Through research, self-reflection, and a whole lot of prayer, I came to a life-changing realization: God’s love is not conditional. We are not mistakes. If anything, I believe we were created with purpose—to understand both men and women in a way that many cis people never will.
The deeper I dug, the closer I grew to God—not the God preached by those who used religion to spread fear and hate, but the God of love, compassion, and diversity. And that connection deepened even more when I found a church that fully accepted me for who I am. They embraced me without hesitation, even when I would show up one week in ‘guy mode’ and the next week as Jenn. That kind of love and affirmation showed me that true faith isn’t about exclusion—it’s about embracing the beautiful diversity that God has created in all of us.
Monika: I’m really curious about Gender Equilibrium™ - how did that idea come about? What made you want to create the project, and why do you think it’s so important?
Jenn: The idea for Gender Equilibrium™ came to me almost like a daydream—one of those moments of clarity where I just had to write it down. That’s how many of my ideas come to life.
I created the Finding Your Gender Equilibrium™ program because I’ve met so many people who feel stuck—unhappy with where they are, yet uncertain about transitioning. For them, neither staying where they are nor taking the leap feels like the right option, and that limbo can be incredibly painful.
Gender Equilibrium™ is the intersection where your gender identity and your life align in a way that feels authentic and sustainable. I initially designed it as a group course, but I also use the framework in most of my 1:1 coaching sessions. Many of my clients come to me because they’re questioning whether transitioning is right for them, and if so, how to navigate that journey in the best way possible. My role isn’t to tell them what to do—it’s to help them find those answers within themselves.
This framework is so important because everyone deserves to be happy. Living authentically isn’t just about labels or a destination—it’s about finding the balance that allows you to thrive.
"The deeper I dug, the closer
I grew to God."
Monika: Is Jennspire Sisterhood a spin-off of Gender Equilibrium™, or is it an entirely independent project?
Jenn: The Jennspire Sisterhood is an independent project, separate from Gender Equilibrium™, but they complement each other in many ways. The Sisterhood is a private, supportive community for all gender-diverse individuals—whether you’re a crossdresser, non-binary, transgender, or somewhere else on the spectrum. Everyone is welcome, and everyone belongs.
But this isn’t just a support group—it’s a true Sisterhood. We laugh together, celebrate each other’s wins, and uplift one another through the tough moments, whether it’s navigating gender dysphoria, dealing with hateful people, or facing political challenges.
Our community is entirely online, with at least 2-3 Zoom events each month, giving our Sisters a chance to connect, grow, and find support in a judgment-free space. We also host an annual Sisters-only in-person retreat, which is always a powerful experience. And because life gets busy, we record most of our events so members can access them later if they can’t attend live. The Jennspire Sisterhood exists to ensure that no one has to navigate their gender journey alone. Here, you don’t have to fit into a box or a label—you just have to be you.
Monika: Why did you choose the name Jennifer? Is there a special story behind it? Jenn: I didn’t have a femme name for myself until I began my online journey in April 2021. When it came time to create a Facebook account, I realized I needed to choose one—but the name wasn’t something I had to invent. It was already a part of me.
Jennifer was the name my sister would call me whenever we were dressing up or when I was doing something girly. I always loved the way it sounded, the way it felt—like it belonged to me long before I ever claimed it. So when the moment came to choose a name, there was no hesitation. I didn’t have to create one—I already had one.
Monika: I finally felt free after my transition. How about you? Is there a specific moment that made you feel like you could truly take a deep breath and say, ‘This is the real me now’?"
Jenn: Easter 2024 is a day I’ll never forget. My mother and sister were out of town, so my dad joined me at my church, and we went out for brunch afterward. Before church, I was taking pictures and videos, wearing a beautiful Easter dress just like I had always dreamed of—flowing, feminine, with my natural shoulder-length hair framing my face. For the first time, I truly felt seen—not just by others, but by myself. I felt beautiful, effortlessly and undeniably me.
But that wasn’t the end of the day.
When I got home, still glowing from the morning, I looked in the mirror and thought, This is a moment. I felt so beautiful that I decided to put on the wedding dress I had purchased years earlier—a dress that had held so much significance in my journey. Wedding dresses have always been a powerful symbol for me, something I talk about in depth in my book.
As I pulled the gown over my head and laced up the corset back, something shifted inside me. I looked at myself, standing there in that dress, and it hit me—I had never felt more beautiful. More right. More whole. It was a moment of profound clarity, where I experienced emotions I had longed to feel for so many years.
That day, Easter 2024, was the day I finally took a deep breath and thought, This is the real me. This is who I was always meant to be.
Monika: We all know the journey to being our true selves comes with a heavy price. Like, losing friends, family, jobs, and all that. I must say I am one of them. Did you have to pay a heavy price for being you? What was the toughest part of your coming out?
Jenn: I consider myself incredibly blessed. From the moment I came out, my entire family expressed their support. They didn’t fully understand at first, but through research and open conversations, they’ve grown in their ability to support me in ways I never expected.
But that doesn’t mean my journey was without loss. The heaviest price I paid was my marriage.
"I consider myself
incredibly blessed."
I was married for nearly 13 years to a woman who was my everything—my best friend, my partner, the mother of my children. But when I came out, she made it clear that she would never try to accept any part of the real me. I held onto hope for as long as I could, but eventually, I had to accept that staying meant continuing to suppress myself.
So, at the beginning of 2023, I moved out. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done—leaving the dream home we had built together, the life we had envisioned, the family unit I cherished. But as painful as it was, I remember something so vividly: as I drove away in that moving truck, I was smiling. Because for the first time in my life, I wasn’t asking for permission to be me. I was finally stepping into my truth—fully, unapologetically, and without compromise. 
And while that chapter of my life ended, it made room for a new one—one where I get to live authentically and surround myself with people who love all of me.
Monika: Do you remember the first time you saw a trans woman on TV or met one in real life that helped you realize, “That’s me!”?
Jenn: My journey wasn’t like that. I didn’t have a single defining moment where I saw a trans woman on TV or met one in real life and thought, That’s me. It took me over 30 years of dressing before I even began to consider that my identity might be more than just the clothes.
That said, I do vividly remember the moments in movies and TV shows where characters crossdressed. Every time, I would pay extra close attention—rewinding, rewatching, soaking in every detail. One scene that has stuck with me to this day is from Boy Meets World, in the episode Chick Like Me. Shawn and Corey dress as women for a school project, but what captivated me most was how seriously Shawn took it. He didn’t just throw on a dress for laughs—he became the role. He walked like a woman, talked like a woman, and genuinely looked like one.
I remember watching that scene, completely transfixed, thinking, I would give anything to be in his shoes. At the time, I didn’t fully understand why it resonated so deeply—but looking back, it was one of the many signs pointing me toward my truth.


All photos: courtesy of Jennifer Marie.
© 2025 - Monika Kowalska

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