Showing posts with label IT Specialist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IT Specialist. Show all posts

Friday 2 April 2021

Interview with Victoria Karppinen

Monika: Today I am taking you to Finland where my lovely guest Victoria Karppinen lives. She is a model and social media enthusiast. We are going to touch upon her transition, inspirations, and challenges that she has faced as a transgender woman. Hello Victoria! 
Victoria: Hi Monika!
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Victoria: I'm a transgender woman from Finland. I love socializing and meeting with other people. I'm 33 years old and I have lived now about 6 years fully as a girl. I have been on HRT for around 4months now.
Monika: Wooow! You lived as a woman for almost 6 years without being on HRT? 
Victoria: Yeah almost. I used to order meds from the Internet, which were not like prescription ones. And I took only female hormones, not any androgen blockers. I had no idea whether they were harmful or not, which was quite stupid.
Anyway, I had used them before I started the correct treatment. So I lived as a woman without any meds for around 5 years, and then I started to order them via the Internet. Obviously, I could not see any results because I did not take testosterone blockers.

Saturday 27 February 2021

Interview with Renae

Monika: Today I am going to interview Renae, an American IT specialist and transgender woman that documents her transition on social media. Hello Renae!
Renae: Hello Monika! It's nice to meet you. I must say your blog is wonderful and it's nice to see so many other women like myself, getting great representation. I know it can be a beacon of hope for so many of us that may still be in the closet.
In addition to Reddit, I share my experience on other social media, including Facebook and Twitter as well.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Renae: Certainly! I am a mother of 4 kids and I have been married to my wife for 9 years. I work in IT in a moderately sized town of about 43,000 people in the Midwest. It's a fairly conservative town but there is a rather progressive area I frequent about 40 minutes away. That is where most of my friends live.

Sunday 27 December 2020

Interview with Cassandra Heart

Monika: Today’s interview will be with Cassandra Heart, an American transgender woman that documents her transition on Hello Cassandra!
Cassandra: Hi there! I feel really honored I was asked to do this.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Cassandra: I am a software engineer with a deep passion for cryptography, machine learning, and distributed systems. I’m also married and polyamorous.
Monika: Why did you decide to share your transition details on social media?
Cassandra: When I was young, my exposure to transgender people was entirely through mainstream media depictions, which were frequently unfavorable. While the world is thankfully a much more understanding and accepting place today with significantly more positive depictions seeing time in the spotlight, the actual process of transition, what to expect strictly from hormone therapy versus additional procedures, is not as open.

Monday 7 December 2020

Interview with Eleanor

Monika: Today’s interview is with Eleanor, an American software engineer and transgender woman that documents her transition on as eleanorPDX. Hello Eleanor!
Eleanor: Hi Monika, thank you for interviewing me today!
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Eleanor: I live in Portland, Oregon, with my wife Evan and our cat Percy and dog Riley. We're originally from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, but we moved to Oregon five years ago because Oregon is much more accepting of LGBTQ people than Oklahoma is. We have not visited Oklahoma in several years due to safety concerns. For employment, I'm a software engineer.

Thursday 1 February 2018

Interview with Lannie Rose

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Elaine Rhodes, a.k.a., Lannie Rose, an American computer engineer, and writer, a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley and Santa Clara University. In her day, she was a regular contributor to the e-zine Transgender Forum, a member of the Triangle Speaker Bureau, the author of “How To Change Your Sex: A Lighthearted Look at the Hardest Thing You'll Ever Do” (2004), “LANNIE! My Journey from Man to Woman” (2007), and “Everything Nice: A Late-Onset Coming-of-Age Story” (2009). Hello Lannie!
 Lannie: Hi Monika! Your website is an impressive body of work, as well as being nicely designed, and I say this as one web designer to another. I am happy to become part of it! 
Monika: Before we get started, could you please explain your name? Are you Elaine, or Lannie, or what?
Lannie: Yeah, uh, well, it’s like this: Early in the Internet days, in the late 1990s, there was a lot of fear about people online tracking you down and murdering you in your sleep, so nobody used their real names. Nobody actually got murdered in their sleep, by the way. 
Anyway, I became Lannie Rose at that time, and it stuck. When it came time to legally change my name, I went from Edward Rhodes to Elaine Rhodes, keeping the same initials, you know?

Friday 29 September 2017

Interview with Emily Crose

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Emily Crose, an American IT specialist, and network threat hunter. She publishes her essays to such portals as,, and Hello Emily!
Emily: Hello Monika!
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Emily: Sure! I transitioned medically and socially back in early 2016 while I was working for the US Army as a civilian. I had taken that job specifically because I believed that it would be a good environment for me to do so, and for the most part I was right.
I’ve been out to my family, including my wife (who has been putting up with me in marriage for over 8 years now) since 2014 after a false start in 2010. We have two lovely kids together and have been continuously evolving as a couple since we were married.

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