Monday, January 30, 2017

Interview with Allison Annalora - Part 2

Monika: Allison, I am so delighted that I can interview you again! Let me briefly introduce you to those who have not read our first interview. Allison Lenore Annalora - a talented singer and remarkable woman, star of Cabaret Troupe, an admirer of Barbra Streisand, hairstylist, and the author of the recently published biography titled “Late Blooming: My Gender Journey”.
Allison: Thank you Monika for asking me to be interviewed!!
Monika: You look fantastic … It has been 4 years since our first interview. What has changed in your life since then?
Allison: Well, my boyfriend of six years moved in with me four years ago, and we’re still going strong. I appeared a second time at The McCallum Theatre, in their annual talent contest in 2015, as one of 25 finalists in front of an audience of 1,200. I didn’t win, but I sure had fun! I star in my own cabaret show, “Call Me Diva” every other month at a local restaurant.

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