Friday 25 June 2021

Interview with Erin Dees

Monika: Today my guest is Erin Dees, an inspirational woman from Ontario, Canada. Erin is a programmer, engineer, and coach. She has written or co-written five books on programming. Erin lives with her wife, their youngest son, and their cranky Corgi mix. At one time, their household included a menagerie of kids, dogs, cats, chickens, and goats. But the older kids graduated and started their own lives, and the goats eventually ran out of grass to eat and moved on to a family with a bigger yard. Hello Erin!
Erin: Hi! Thanks for having me on your site. It's an honor to be included among so many trans people I've looked up to.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Erin: Sure! I grew up in Texas as a goofy, sensitive child. I got to try computer programming at a school day camp in grade six and was instantly hooked. It felt like magic to type words on the screen and see things happen as a result!
I also love spoken languages after taking French in high school and German at university. I took a one-semester break from engineering and studied in Berlin, which gave me enough credits to sneak a German degree into my graduation plan.

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Interview with Namitha Marimuthu

Monika: Today I have invited an inspirational woman from India. Namitha Marimuthu is a top model, artist, beauty pageant queen, actress, and transgender activist. She was born in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She is Miss Trans Queen India 2018, Miss Trans Star International 2019, and Pageant Director of Miss Trans Star India 2021. Namitha is also known for her role of Priya in Naadodigal 2 by Samuthirakani (2020). Hello Namitha!
Namitha: Monika, you have given me an amazing introduction. Lots of love to you, Sister. 
Monika: How are you doing these crazy pandemic times?
Namitha: I’m really scared for India right now. We are in the top two of all countries in the world with the Covid-19 crisis today. We have been experiencing many deaths and such a loss for families and friends. We will still survive and I request each of you to get tested before vaccination. And please get vaccinated along with your family and friends. Stay home, stay safe India. 
Monika: It is always fascinating for me to talk to sisters from different continents, especially so talented as yourself. How did you start modeling?
Namitha: Initially I was really a lost person with no real meaning in life, especially after getting a legal separation from my parents when I was 19. Furthermore, when I reached adulthood, my weight was 120 kg. I started working out really hard to make a real transformation. After 2 years of hard work I lost more than 60kg!

Saturday 19 June 2021

Interview with Aleks

Monika: Today I am going to have a conversation with Aleks, an American esthetician, former male model, and proud transgender woman that shares her transition story on social media. Hello Aleks!
Aleks: Hello! Thank you for interviewing me. It’s an honor to be a part of your blog.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Aleks: Being a visible trans woman on social media has helped me spread love, support, hope and education within and outside of the LGBT community. After a viral birthday post last summer, which attracted millions of views across Instagram and Reddit, it connected me with so many people struggling the way I have. The messages that I inspired someone to be themselves were beyond heartwarming. With that new little platform led to being interviewed and sharing my story on a global platform.
It’s my intention to help others understand the medical and psychological causes of gender dysphoria. This will help us gain access to lifesaving and affirming care, and overcome discrimination.
Being transgender is not a choice. I’m no celebrity. Ultimately just a proud 25-year-old trans woman with a big heart. But most people couldn’t begin to fathom just what it took to bring me into this world.

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Interview with Kym

Monika: Today I am going to chat with Kym, an American software engineer and transgender woman that shares her transition story on social media. Hello Kym!
Kym: Hi Monika! It is a pleasure to chat with you. Your blog was an inspiration for me many years ago, when I thought it would be impossible for me to transition.
Monika: I am always happy when my blog can help or inspire others! Could you say a few words about yourself?
Kym: Well, although I’ve had some understanding that I’m trans since I was a child, it wasn’t until my early 50s that I actually started to transition. I did a lot of stuff in the meantime, including military, construction work, getting a PhD and starting a couple of companies. Now, I have a somewhat normal job as a software engineer, and do what I can to support my local trans community.
Monika: How did you choose Kym for your name?
Kym: In a way, it chose me. When I was around 10, I had an overnight at a friend's house. That friend had a sister named Kim who was at a friend's house. At some point their mother shouted up the stairs, “Kim, are you home?” “Kim” was similar to my dead name and I misheard her and thought she was talking to me. I yelled back, “yes!” and we ended up having a whole conversation with her thinking I was her daughter, and me confused, but agreeable.

Sunday 13 June 2021

Interview with Jennifer Cobian

Monika: Today I am going to chat with Jennifer Cobian, a Puerto Rican-born beauty expert, make-up artist, model, and transgender woman from Miami, Florida, that shares her transition story on social media. Hello Jennifer!
Jennifer: Hello Monika! Thank you for having me here. I'm honored to be included in this platform that showcases amazing trans women from around the world.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Jennifer: Well, I’m from Puerto Rico, and I had to relocate to Miami after a major hurricane destroyed almost everything in the island in 2017. I enjoy going to Disney, collecting Barbie memorabilia, and wearing designer shoes.
I am still single! If any gentleman reading wants to take me out ;)
Monika: What are your favourite pieces in your Barbie collection?
Jennifer: Oh wow that’s a tough question because I love so many of them! But if I could narrow it down to three I’d say. I love the Blond Diamond doll by the Blonds, the 50th Anniversary Barbie and the MAC Barbie Doll, it was my first ever collector doll and it started the whole craze.

Thursday 10 June 2021

Interview with Kara

Monika: Today I am going to host Kara, a young comedian, transgender activist, and social media influencer from Los Angeles, California. You can find her on Instagram @karageous. Hello Kara!
Kara: Hello, Monika! Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity. I look forward to sharing with you my journey. 
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Kara: Gladly! I am a queer, trans, Taiwanese-American activist. I graduated from UCLA in 2016 and am originally from Sugar Land, Texas. When I'm not doing comedy or motivational speaking, I work full-time serving homeless LGBTQ youth.
Monika: What inspired you to share your intimate life moments via social media?
Kara: I endeavor to be the hero I didn't have growing up. As a queer kid living in Texas, I never felt seen. There was a stark lack of visibility, and no one was telling my story. Social media gave me a platform to amplify my voice. There are so many misconceptions about the trans community - a fear that stems from a lack of education or exposure.

Tuesday 8 June 2021

Interview with Lena Kuner

Monika: Today I am going to interview Lena Kuner, a German transgender woman, fashionista, travel blogger, and gamer that shares her transition story on social media. Hello Lena!
Lena: Hello Monika, it's a pleasure for me. Thank you!
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Lena: My name is Lena, and I'm 36 years old. I live in a small town in the German federal state of Saxony. I live there with my boyfriend and work as an archivist for our district administration.
Monika: Lena is a nice name. Why did you choose it?
Lena: Long story! *chuckles* I love the sound. I chose it a long time before my transition started. In video games I always had the nickname "Lalena".
Monika: What inspired you to share your intimate life moments on social media?
Lena: Because I want to show that trans people are just as normal as everyone else. I don't want to be special or something. Maybe I'm a role model for somebody. If somebody feels better after reading my posts, I'm happy. And of course, I love modelling! *smiles*

Sunday 6 June 2021

Interview with Victoria Perera

Monika: Today we are going to Ontario in Canada, where my guest lives. Victoria Perera is a Serbian-born model, fitness instructor, and media influencer that shares her story on social media. We are going to talk about being trans and challenges related to her fascinating journey towards womanhood. Hello Victoria!
Victoria: Hello Monika. I feel so blessed to have this opportunity to speak with you and share my story.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Victoria: I’m a 44 year old transwoman. I work as a residential appraiser near Toronto, Canada. I’m recently divorced and share custody of my two young boys with my ex-wife that we successfully co-parent. I would call myself a fitness fanatic and a very social woman who is always looking for a new challenge.
Monika: What inspired you to share your intimate life moments via social media?
Victoria: It started out innocently enough. I joined Instagram because I was bored after my first facial surgery. It has become entirely different. After I started posting a few pictures, I found I was connecting and interacting with other transwoman who had similar stories. I was inspired by their transition stories and felt it was my responsibility to share mine as well. Before I had transitioned, I was a closed off person.

Thursday 3 June 2021

Interview with Tori

Monika: Today’s interview will be with Tori, an American transgender woman that documents her transition on social media. Hello Tori!
Tori: Hi Monika! Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity!
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Tori: Well, I am a 27 year old proud transgender woman from the Midwest of the United States. I am a published model, advocate and educator!
Monika: Why did you decide to share your transition details on social media?
Tori: Honestly, I did it for my own mental health. At first, it was a way to make myself feel “valid” and “accepted” on a random social media platform; but it very soon became something more. When I was deep in the closet; suppressing and denying myself, I saw ALL these transwomen on social media and I so wanted to “BE THEM” but it seemed so incredibly impossible.
And it mainly seemed so impossible because I never had anyone to learn from or get any guidance or support from; I was written off very quickly by everyone whom I reached out to. Very quickly, my transition became something I wanted to share with those who felt like it was impossible; like “they couldn’t” but I was bound and determined to share with them; YOU CAN.

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Interview with Rebecca Finn

Monika: Today I am going to interview Rebecca Finn, a Latin American and European web developer and transgender woman that shares her transition story on social media. Hello Rebecca!
Rebecca: Hello Monika!
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Rebecca: Hi, I'm Rebecca Finn, an openly transgender woman who works as a web developer living in Europe. I really really love coffee, enjoy movies and comics (and movies about comics too), and collect video game consoles and 80s toys (with a penchant for bootlegs).
Monika: What inspired you to share your intimate life moments via social media?
Rebecca: I actually can't remember exactly when, it kinda just happened. I had already moved away from my country and had struggled to find the courage to talk to close friends and allow myself to be me in public. I tried to find myself again and again, until I finally felt at ease. By then I was already posting as much as I could in social media, hosting makeup streams on Instagram and sharing daily photos. People were following me, commenting how they felt at ease and liked to see a friendly smile every morning. So I kept going.

Thursday 27 May 2021

Interview with Kelly Denithorne

Monika: Today I am going to interview Kelly Denithorne, also known as Nadine Spirit, an American maths teacher, blogger, podcaster, transgender advocate, and happy wife that documents her transition on her blog called Unordinary Style. Hello Nadine!
Kelly: Hi Monika. Thank you so much for wanting to interview me. I super appreciate being included amongst so many other fabulous humans.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Kelly: I chose to transition in the summer of 2017. My first few steps were to get a gender therapy specialist as well as my first hormone provider. I changed my hormones July 3rd, 2017. However I didn't actually socially and legally transition until a year later on June 28th, 2018. I am now in my 4th year of my transition. I remain married to my lovely wife of 25 years. And I continue to teach at the same junior high school that I taught at prior to my transition.

Monday 24 May 2021

Interview with Angela Scholl

Monika: Today I am talking to Angela Scholl, a young American transgender woman from Texas that documents her transition on social media. Hello Angela!
Angela: Hey Monika! 
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Angela: Of course! As you said, my name is Angela Scholl, and I'm a 23-year-old non-binary transwoman from Texas, USA. I started my transition just over two years ago on March 14th, 2019, and have been out publicly since June 30th, 2020, although I had been posting online long before that.
I've known that I was transgender since my adolescence, and had many instances of trying to come out in my teenage years, only to return to the closet due to factors such as family, friends, or personal beliefs.
I'm a big advocate for people feeling that it's okay to be themselves authentically. I'm also a recent graduate from Texas A&M University in College Station, where I studied Industrial Distribution, and I currently work in Sales!

Saturday 22 May 2021

Interview with Chloe Pickard

Monika: Today I am going to take you to Melbourne in Australia where our guest Chloe Pickard lives. Chloe is one of my favorite YouTube vloggers. In her videos, she covers all aspects of her transition, providing inspiration to thousands of her followers. So I am going to chat with her about all that trans girls and women are curious about. Hello Chloe!
Chloe: Hi Monika, I love your blog!
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Chloe: Sure, I'm a Trans woman who lived a pretty stealth life (I still do in Australia) and has gone through some rough patches to become the woman I am today.
Monika: Chloe is such a nice name. Why did you choose it?
Chloe: Honestly, it wasn't difficult. In the very early stages of my transition, the name just came to me and I was like: Yeah I feel like Chloe, haha!
Monika: What inspired you to share your intimate life moments on social media?
Chloe: When I began my YouTube channel, it was when I lost my job after coming out as Trans. I began sharing as I felt like I was living this double life. In my day to day, I went to work (at my new job) and could never talk about being Transgender, in case I became unemployable.

Thursday 20 May 2021

Interview with Cassandra Grace

Monika: Today I would like to introduce to you Cassandra Grace, an American entrepreneur, change management consultant, the President and CEO of Graceful Change LLC, and author of Grace in Transition: The First Four Seasons (2021). Hello Cassandra!
 Cassandra: Hi! Thank you for this opportunity. I'm excited to talk with you!
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Cassandra: Funny. Hot. Creative. Hot. Ambitious. Intense. Sweet. OK... those are a few words about me. :) Oh, you want me to go a little further? OK, cool. I am a very late-blooming trans woman who is incredibly grateful for the ability to finally be comfortable in my own skin.
I treat my transition as a literal miracle and try and appreciate every day of my life as a day that I never thought I would be able to experience. The joy that you see on my Instagram or the desire to help people that I express through my company is real, it is sincere, and it comes from a place of gratitude for this miracle. I'm also kind of funny. And hot. Did I mention that?

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Interview with Josephine Radler

Monika: Today I am going to host Josephine Radler, a Swedish transgender woman from the capital city of Stockholm that shares her transition story on social media. Hello Josephine!
Josephine: Thank you, Monika. I feel honored to be featured and interviewed for your site. It feels like a safe environment.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Josephine: I was born like a half-century ago in a quite conservative family but with a mother who could see my need to express my femininity as a young child. Neither she nor I had the language/idiom back then to put what she saw or I felt about myself. Nevertheless, it took me nearly 50 years of struggle with my gender identity before I came out.
I work as a guide/hostess at a museum a bit outside of Stockholm. I live in Stockholm city and love it. I love clothes/fashion, makeup - I have a dream to become an MUA. When I’m free/off work I like to be at my sister’s and my country house, meet friends, have dates, go out for fine dining. And I’m a sucker for oysters and seafood.
Monika: Josephine is a nice name. Why did you choose it?
Josephine: Oh that is a long story. Before I came out I used several names: Jenny, Jennifer, Josephine; all of them begin with J, don’t ask me why. And then when I came out and I was about to transition socially and chose a name, I put a lot of thought into it.

Sunday 16 May 2021

Interview with Nikki

Monika: Today I am going to interview Nikki, a transgender woman from Canada that documents her transition on social media. Hello Nikki!
Nikki: Hello Monika! Thanks for having me.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Nikki: I'm a person who after college works currently in the support working field. My next step is to go to university for my Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPA). I'm a gamer and a trans community leader on Animo. Full of smiles and sass.
Monika: Animo? What is Animo?
Niki: Amino is an online community app with a large number of different communities.
Monika: Why did you decide to share your transition details on social media?
Nikki: I wanted to share my transition on social media for some interesting reasons. To start, it is to show how proud of myself I am! To show how far I have come in my transition.

Friday 14 May 2021

Interview with Victoria Caram

Monika: Today I have invited an amazing woman. Victoria Maxima Caram is an Argentinian hairstylist, makeup artist, model, media personality, adult entertainment producer, and former stage performer living in the Netherlands. She is the Executive Director of Miss Trans Star International, a well-known transgender beauty pageant that is held every year in Barcelona, Spain. Hello Victoria!
Victoria: Hello Monika, I feel honored to be here today. I’ve seen so many talented and famous women in your interviews that I still don’t believe I am here.
Monika: You seem to be a woman of many talents. Could you say a few words about yourself?
Victoria: Well I wouldn’t say talents, I am a well-prepared woman, but above everything, I have been persevering with an almighty faith.
Monika: Victoria is a nice name. How did you choose it?
Victoria: In Roman mythology, Victoria was the name of the goddess of victory.
Monika: Before we have a closer look at your amazing professional career, I would like to ask you about your years in Argentina. Did you have a happy childhood there?
Victoria: Not at all, I was a kid with ADHD, so there were moments that even I did not want to be with me, hahaha. I come from the north of Argentina, Tucuman, from a very wealthy family; I went to the best elite schools. My mother is a doctor and my father is a businessman.

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Interview with Tara Wels

Monika: Today I would like to present to you an inspirational woman. Tara Wels is an Algerian-born restaurant owner and transgender activist. Her restaurant "Oh! Quai Latin" is a lovely place in Paris, which is friendly to the LGBTQ + community. Hello Tara!
Tara: Hello Monika! I am Tara Wels, a transgender woman in Paris in France. I try to transmit kindness to the LGBTQ + community by facilitating the diversity of genders in my restaurant called Oh! Quai Latin.
Monika: How are you doing in these crazy pandemic times?
Tara: This period is very difficult to live for everyone but I try to stay positive and to create new ideas for the future.
Monika: You were born in Algeria. Did you have a happy childhood?
Tara: Yes, I was born in Algiers in a caring, loving family, surrounded by love. I was the only boy with 3 sisters.

Monday 10 May 2021

Interview with Catriona

Monika: Today I have invited Catriona, a Scottish transgender lady, LGBTQI+ advocate, gamer, and photographer that documents her transition on social media. Hello Catriona! 
Catriona: Hi Monika, thank you for having me.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Catriona: I am a 37-year-old transwoman from Glasgow, Scotland. I began my transition at the age of 34 and began documenting it shortly after.
Monika: Why did you choose Catriona for your name?
Catriona: Quite simply if I had been assigned female at birth, Catriona would have been my name.
Monika: What inspired you to share your intimate life moments on social media?
Catriona: There is still too much misinformation and incorrect assumptions about what it is to be a transgender person. By sharing snippets of my life and experiences I hope to show people that whilst I am a transgender woman that is only a small aspect of my life.

Friday 7 May 2021

Interview with Angelica Volkonskaya

Monika: Today I am going to talk with Angelica Volkonskaya, a businesswoman, model, and transactivist from the capital city of Minsk in Belarus that shares her transition story on social media. I have never interviewed a sister from Belarus before, so I am very happy to meet you. Hello Angelica!
Angelica: Hello everyone! Hi Monika!
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Angelica: I am from the glorious city of Minsk. I am very glad that my passport includes the same information that I have always wanted to correct. And I am proud to say that according to my passport data, I am already Angelica. This is not an easy way, but it is worth living as you always wanted and felt.
Monika: You seem to be a woman of many talents.
Angelica: It is very difficult to talk about myself. Usually, other people talk about us because they can give a more accurate assessment. To say how good I am, I am not interested. I know only one thing, I constantly challenge everything and everyone, because I understand that in order to achieve something I must be strong in spirit.

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