Thursday 18 July 2013

Interview with Liliana

Monika: Today’s interview will be with Liliana, a young American video blogger from Texas that documents her transition on her vlog on YouTube titled "Sincerely, Liliana". Hello Liliana!
Liliana: Hello Monika! Thank you so much for this opportunity!
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Liliana: Well I'm a 23-year-old girl from Texas. I'm a freelance hairstylist/makeup artist and I make beauty as well as transition videos on YouTube.
Monika: Why did you decide to share your transition details on YouTube?
Liliana: Well I remember back when I was still in the early stages of my transition I stumbled across a few trans women who were documenting their transition on YouTube. At the time I was feeling very alone, and even though I had such amazingly supportive friends and family, it was hard to talk to them about the things I was going through. So I turned to these women's videos and it really helped me get through those rough times.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Interview with Braylen

Monika: Today’s interview will be with Braylen, a young video blogger that documents her transition on YouTube. Hello Braylen!
Braylen: Hello Monika! Thank you for having me!
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Braylen: Sure, a 24-year-old aspiring model, bi-racial background, and just an all-around free-spirited individual. I hope that was enough.
Monika: Why did you decide to share your transition details on YouTube? 
Braylen: I decided to share my transition on YouTube with hopes that it would shine a little more light on Transgenders and some of what we have to go through on a day-to-day basis. I also feel my videos can help new Transgenders in their development as I have talked about hormones and important topics regarding our health in a few videos.

Saturday 6 July 2013

Interview with Paula Nielsen

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Sister Paula Nielsen with whom I would like to discuss the role of religion in the life of the transgender community. Paula is also known as America's foremost transgendered evangelist. She was born in Portland, Oregon. In the 1980s, she performed a regular nightclub act at the legendary drag club, Darcelle XV in downtown Portland.
After starting her career as "the world's first trans-evangelist", Paula was invited to a series of television shows including the Joan Rivers Show, The Daily Show with Craig Kilborn, and Saturday Night Clive for the BBC. Her Sister Paula Show was also seen on cable access stations in Seattle and Los Angeles. She is the author of The Trans-Evangelist: The Life and Times of A Transgender Pentecostal Preacher (2012). Hello Paula!
Paula: Hello Monika!
Monika: You have just published your autobiography titled “The Trans Evangelist”. How would you recommend the book to the readers of this interview?
Paula: It is a chronicle of seven decades. The 1940's through the 2lst Century. What it was like to grow up trans in the 1940s and 1950s when the word trans was unheard of. It has a history of religious movements and the changing explosive times throughout the decades.
Transitioning my identity to Paula in 1963 was much different than it is today. I am hoping that future generations of trans youth will appreciate what trans pioneers went through to pave the path for them.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Interview with Brina Healy

Monika: Today’s interview is with Brina Healy, a remarkable woman, talented film director, and photographer from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. She began her film career in 1978 as "Brian" filming a student short in Kansas while working as a Yearbook photographer on campus. After doing some TV background work in Boston, including children's shows: "Major Mudd" and "Boomtown", she was featured in Happy Madison's film "Grown Ups". Brina is known for producing the hilarious 50's spoof film "Transsexuals from Space" (2012). She holds a second-degree black belt in Shotokan karate. Hello Brina!
Brina: Monika: thank you for the honor and the respect to appear in your publications. Your interest in my career is appreciated.
Monika: How would you define yourself? Are you more of a film producer, paste-up artist, model, or photographer?
Brina: I'd classify myself as a “Creative” (want fries with that burger?) type, so I enjoy spending time in all of these areas. “Paste-up” work is relatively dead in the digital age. Film production is something that sways me greatly—although it's difficult to make a legitimate living at it as a career move.
Basically, many areas that involve the Creative process do not require state or federal licensing, so those markets naturally get flooded. I've been involved with Imagery my entire life and consider Photography/Large Format my first love. One of the most exciting job positions I held involved trafficking building “wraps” for Broadway, Madison Square Garden, and the World Trade Center Concourse.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Interview with Sarah McBride

Monika: Today it is my pleasure to interview Sarah McBride, a young trans-activist from Delaware, USA. Sarah served as Student Body President at American University from 2011-2012 during which time she came out. Since then, Sarah has worked at the White House, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, and serves on the board of Equality Delaware. I would like to discuss with her the role of transgender women in US politics. Hello Sarah!
Sarah: Hi Monika! It is great to talk to you!
Monika: Why such a young lady as yourself is interested in politics?
Sarah: I’ve been interested in politics since a young age. As an observer, I think politics, government, and history are fascinating. It describes and shows us who we are, at our core, as a people and tells us the story of where we’ve been and where we are going.
I’m an active participant in politics because I genuinely believe that there is no more effective way to change and improve your world than through civic engagement. As they say, “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Monday 1 July 2013

Interview with Aleshia Brevard: Part 5

Monika: Apart from acting, you directed over 20 theatre plays. How did you find theatre directing?
Aleshia: Directing seemed a natural extension of my years spent touring in dinner theatre. As with most things that occurred in my life, it just sorta happened as a matter of course. The opportunity presented itself and I took it. There had, of course, been courses in directing as part of the curriculum in both undergraduate and graduate school.
Once out in the real world, I gradually began expressing my desire to direct, then negotiating this as part of my contractual acting agreement with several theatres. Nothing ventured; nothing gained. It worked out nicely. I truly love directing, perhaps more than I adore being on stage. Later, when I became a professor of university theatre, the foundation for directing main stage productions was already in place. From time to time, things do just seem to fall naturally into place.

Sunday 30 June 2013

Interview with Jasmine Isabella Neuenhaus

Monika: Today’s interview will be with Jasmine Isabella Neuenhaus, a multinational corporation employee and charming lady from Queensland, Australia. Hello Jasmine!
Jasmine: Hi Monika! Thank you for inviting me to interview with you.
Monika: Jasmine is such a lovely name! Did you choose it yourself?
Jasmine: I did indeed choose my new name. When I was young I was obsessed with escaping into the fantasy world of cartoons, none more so than the classic Disney animations.
And my favorite Disney cartoon? Aladdin of course! Aladdin’s Princess Jasmine was more focused on being true to herself than just accepting the path others paved for her. That character was the first role model I identified with and taking her name seemed an easy choice.

Friday 28 June 2013

Interview with Natasha Muse

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Natasha Muse, an American stand-up comedian, and artist. Hello Natasha!
Natasha: Hi Monika!
Monika: How did you start your artistic career?
Natasha: Well, I started performing at a restaurant here in San Francisco called 'AsiaSF.' I never really thought performing would be a path for me, but someone approached me while I was working out at a gym and asked me to audition. In all honesty, I didn't think they would even give me a second look since I'm a shy person by nature. I just did it so I could say I gave it a good shot and did my best. But (as you may have suspected) I got the job and slowly but surely grew to love being on stage.
Monika: You perform all over the San Francisco Bay Area, including Cobb’s Comedy, the SF Punchline, Harvey’s, and the Dark Room. Do you have any performances outside the Bay Area?
Natasha: Oh yeah. Actually one of my goals this year has been to perform further away from what I've come to think of as my 'comfort zone,' San Francisco.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Interview with Toni Newman

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Toni Newman, an American author, and activist. Born in Jacksonville, NC, Toni is a graduate of Wake Forest University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. We are going to talk about her memoirs and the challenges of being a transgender woman. Hello Toni!
Toni: Hello Monika glad to talk to you.
Monika: Could you say a few words about your career so far?
Toni: Well I am the author of "I Rise - The Transformation of Toni Newman" and work for Equality organization now fighting for equality of LGBT folk. I write a blog for Huffington Post and I am Community Editor for Proud to Be Out-The Digital Magazine. My goal is to complete my law degree and work for transgender rights and full equality for the transgender community.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Interview with Racheal McGonigal

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Racheal McGonigal, an author, businesswoman, transgender activist from New Zealand. She is the author of the following books: Transgender Guide (2012), Country Boy to City Girl (2012), Summer Storm (2012), A Pictorial Transformation - Him to Her (2012), Be Careful What You Wish For (2013), and Reflections (2013). We are going to talk about the situation of transgender women in New Zealand and her transition. Hello Racheal!
Racheal: Thanks, Monika. Thanks for the opportunity to speak out as I believe the more we show ourselves, the sooner we will be accepted in society as understanding/education is the key to end discrimination.
Monika: Could you say a few words about your career so far?
Racheal: A very diverse career. Farmworker, sheep and beef farmer, horticulturist, Restaurant provider, storeman, salesman, key account manager, territory manager, cafe owner, Fashion boutique store owner, tractor salesman, prostitution is not illegal downunder so Escort, Brothel owner, escort agency owner, Mistress, unemployed writer.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Interview with Kalina Isato

Monika: Today’s interview will be with Kalina Isato, a Chinese-American producer, musician, and media personality. Hello Kalina!
Kalina: Hi Monika! Thank you for speaking with me today.
Monika: What are you doing these days?
Kalina: I’m back in school studying photography and counseling. I had my first art show in 2009 at the local LGBT center’s art gallery. I’ve also had many of my works on display at my school’s art galleries and won a prestigious award for best artwork in a show in 2011. I’m also getting into counseling and want to gain some solid skills so I can help people with any mental health or transition issues they may have.

Monday 27 May 2013

Interview with Frances McKevitt

Monika: Today I would like to present to you Frances McKevitt, an inspirational British woman, transgender artist, and leader of the band "The Frantastics". Frances was born in Liverpool, which probably explains her love for music. She is also a gardener, providing gardening services around London. Hello Frances!
Frances: Hello Monika!
Monika: What are you doing these days?
Frances: Very much what I have always been doing, traveling and performing in London and around the country, perfuming both solo and with the band. I’m also doing a lot of gardening, not very rock ‘n’ roll I know, but I seem to have caught the gardening bug real bad. I have a beautiful summerhouse at the end of my garden, where I like to spend time reading and writing new songs.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Interview with Babs Siperstein

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Babs Siperstein with whom I would like to discuss the role of transgender women in US politics. Barbra Casbar Siperstein is an American politician and transactivist. She serves in many Democratic Party political organizations and groups, including the New Jersey Stonewall Democrats, Garden State Equality, and the Democratic National Committee Eastern Caucus. Hello Babs!
Babs: Hi, Monika! Thank you, for the opportunity to have an international stage. As one who can neither sing, dance nor model, it is a rare opportunity!
Monika: Could you say a few words about your career so far?
Babs: Lucky! The writer and actor Woody Allen once said that 80% of success in life is just showing up and I’m fortunate that I’ve been able to show up and lucky that when opportunities have arisen, I’ve been able to “carpe diem”, take advantage of them.
Monika: What are the current issues on the transgender advocacy agenda?
Babs: Where to begin? I think the most important right now are jobs and access to health care. Often in many cases, it’s just a fundamental matter of survival. Looking at the big picture we need to win the culture wars to gain societal respect to be recognized as the people we are.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Interview with Aleshia Brevard: Part 4

Monika: Before you started your movie and theatre career you were a female impersonator. How would you define this kind of vocation? Could it be regarded as a piece of art or just another form of entertainment or show business?
Aleshia: As I must always stress, Monika, the only assessments I can make on ANYTHING are based on personal experience. I cannot speak to the experience of others. Nowhere would this be truer than when answering your question concerning female impersonation. There are many people, both straight and gay, who are devotees of impersonation as an art form. My experience ‘backstage’, behind the façade at Finocchio’s in San Francisco, was limited and merely a respite during my gender journey. I was a neophyte, a “new Nanette”. I became a headliner at the prestigious nightclub in the late ’50s and early ‘60s because of how I looked, not because of any professional expertise and/or show business acumen.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Interview with Dana Beyer

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Dana Beyer, an American transgender advocate, the executive director of Gender Rights Maryland, a civil rights and advocacy organization supporting Maryland's transgender community. In addition, she is a columnist at HuffPost and a Democrat politician. I am going to discuss with her the role of transgender women in US politics. Hello Dana!
Dana: Hi Monika! Good to speak with you today.
Monika: Could you say a few words about your career so far?
Dana: I’ve had a few, actually. I’ve been a physician and surgeon. I’ve done research on endocrine disruptors and human sexuality, as well as other public health issues. Then there’s been my work as an LGBT and trans civil rights activist.
Monika: What are the current issues on the transgender advocacy agenda?
Dana: The main issue facing many trans persons in the US today is still making life after transition. Even with federal employment protections, people find it hard to manage in a generally ignorant and, unfortunately, still hostile world. Persons of color are still targeted for assault and murder. Health care is hard to come by, though we’ve seen major improvements on that front.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Interview with Lisa Salazar

Monika: Today I would like to invite you to meet Lisa Salazar, a Canadian transgender advocate, graphic designer, photographer, educator on the transgender phenomenon, and author of the book titled "Transparently: Behind the Scenes of a Good Life" (2011). Hello Lisa!
Lisa: Hi Monika, thank you for your interest and for the opportunity to share with you and your friends.
Monika: Could you say a few words about your career so far?
Lisa: I have been a self-employed graphic designer all of my professional life. Unfortunately, my current work situation is very different from what it was five years ago — I am severely underemployed.
I attribute this to four reasons; first, my client base has shrunk slowly as many of my clients (who are about the same age as me) have retired; second, the economic slow down has made finding new clients and employment very difficult; third, my age (I’m 62); and fourth, being transgender is a liability when it comes to doing business.

Saturday 27 April 2013

Interview with Sofie Ward

Monika: Today I would like to introduce to you Sofie Ward, a Swedish transgender musician, blogger, activist, and community leader. She grew up in Hässleholm, a small town in southern Sweden. Sofie is a member of the Zip of Fire band and a student at the Linnaeus University in Växjö. Hello Sofie!
Sofie: Activist and community leader seems a bit excessive. I just try to do my part in life. ;)
Monika: What are you doing these days?
Sofie: Right now I’m studying "Art with a specialization in Cultural Leadership" at the Linnaeus University in Växjö here in Sweden.
Monika: You are a member of the band named "Zip of Fire". How did you start playing together?
Sofie: Well, I knew the drummer since before, and had worked with the guitarist. When their old bass player decided to invest in another band, I was the obvious replacement.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Interview with Aleshia Brevard: Part 3

Monika: Aleshia, in our previous conversation you stated that your true acting career took place in the theater. How would you compare these two artistic worlds?
Aleshia: Ah, Monika, that is a subject on which I could easily drone on for hours, one on which someone could write a book – and indeed many have. Accomplished actors still argue over whether performance styles must differ markedly between stage and film. I tend to agree with those artists who argue successful acting for film is more self-contained. The film is the more intimate medium. Obviously, on stage, the play’s ideas are projected into a three-dimensional space peopled with actors whose goal is to reach and move the theater audience. This requires a project of both voice and manner. Even with a long run of the play, the actors must speak their lines as though they had just thought of them, the “illusion of the first time.” I would further contribute that theater appeals to feelings first and to intellect second.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Interview with Aleshia Brevard: Part 2

Monika: Today I would like to focus our interview on your movie acting. Your first movie role was Sherry in „The Love God?” (1969). Did you have to go through any auditions to get the role? How did it feel to be an actress for the first time?
Aleshia: Oh, yes, Monika, Universal had seen every tall redhead in Hollywood by the time I auditioned. That, at least, is what I was told by my agent, with whom I’d just signed. I was so new in the business that I didn’t even have headshots – which almost proved my undoing. Some Universal executives feared I might not photograph well on screen but the director, Nat Hiken, fought for me. Bless that man! I was absolutely stunned by my good fortune, loved every single moment of the process, and promptly buckled down on set to learn my craft. It was a glorious experience.
Monika: Sherry was an extremely sexy lady that accompanied the main character played by Don Knotts. How do you recollect your work with him?
Aleshia: I adored Don Knotts. "The Love God", in my estimation, was a testimonial to Don’s comic genius. The film was ahead of its time, no doubt about that, but Don Knotts was perfectly cast as the misguided sex symbol. His improvisations still make me laugh when I see the film.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Interview with Vandy Beth Glenn

Monika: For today's interview I have invited Vandy Beth Glenn, an American writer, public speaker, and transactivist from Georgia. In 2007, she was dismissed from her job as a legislative editor at the Georgia General Assembly when she informed her supervisor, Sewell Brumby, of her transgender status. Following a lawsuit, her Glenn v. Brumby case became instrumental for the rights of transgender people that were discriminated against at work because of their transgender status. Hello Vandy! It is very kind of you to agree to be interviewed for “The Heroines of My Life”!
Vandy: Thank you! I’m happy to participate.
Monika: What are you doing for a living these days?
Vandy: I’m back at my job at the Georgia General Assembly, the job I was fired from for transitioning.
Monika: Where did you grow up?
Vandy: Here in Atlanta, Georgia.
Monika: Could you describe your childhood? When did you feel for the first time that you should not be a boy or man?
Vandy: My childhood was completely ordinary until I reached puberty. That was when I began to realize I was not like the other kids.

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