Monday, April 28, 2014

Interview with Leslie Regier

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Leslie Regier, the author of "Unchaining My Truth: Taking Flight on the Wings of a Dream", published by her business, Violet Angel. Hello Leslie!
Leslie: Hi Monika. It is also my pleasure to meet you and have this opportunity to be interviewed. You have presented a professional series of these interviews, and I am privileged to be among them.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Leslie: It's difficult to know where to start. I am a person with so many facets, so many interests, so many passions in life. Some might call me a renaissance woman. I think perhaps at the core I am someone with a strong desire to learn, experience, play, share, and teach throughout my life.
Monika: Why did you decide to write your autobiography?
Leslie: I've always enjoyed writing in one form or another. The desire has varied at different times, but when I went through my gender transition I felt strongly compelled to share my experiences in a way that would openly reach more people. It was not only an outlet for me, but I also felt it would be helpful for others to learn from my experiences and my unusual journey, whether they are transgendered or not.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Interview with Nancy Nangeroni

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview longtime transgender activist Nancy Nangeroni. Nancy founded the Boston chapter of The Transexual Menace, a ‘disorganization’ of transgender activists, in 1995. She co-produced and co-hosted GenderTalk for 11 years and GenderVision for 11 programs. She served as Executive Director of the International Foundation for Gender Education and has been Chair of the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition since 2008. An MIT-degreed engineer, she worked in the industry for 20+ years, now focuses on providing leadership and tech empowerment to the broader trans community. Hello Nancy!
Nancy: Hi Monika, thanks for inviting me to join your many amazing interviewees! 
Monika: For many years you have been dealing with transgender advocacy. What has been achieved so far and what are the current challenges for transgender people in the USA?
Nancy: When I began volunteer work for IFGE in 1990, there was little respect shown for people expressing or identifying with the ‘opposite’ gender, and any critique of binary gender thinking was relegated to the radical fringe. Now, we have laws in hundreds of jurisdictions protecting people’s right to freedom of gender identity and expression.
Most people in the USA now accept, if still resisting in some areas, the presence of transgender people in “respectable” society. We’ve forged a credible (some say leading) social movement that continues to grow. And we continue to win respect for people who don’t fit into pre-existing definitions, including definitions of what it is to be “transgender.”

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Interview with Guta Silveira


Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Guta Silveira, an inspirational transgender activist from Brazil, actress, author of two biographical books: "Homens Não Choram" (1994) and "Transexual A História de Uma Vida" (2005). Hello Guta!
Guta: Hello Monika! Hello girls!
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Guta: My story doesn’t deviate much from what usually happens to other transsexual girls. I was born with the body of a boy and I was raised as one. Despite that, when I was 3 years old I went to the sports club with my mother and we used to go to the girl`s bathroom and that was normal to me, part of my universe.
One day I went to the boys' bathroom and I was stunned by what I saw. Handsome men stirred something in me, but at that age, I didn’t know what it was. I grew up feeling different from my schoolmates, not knowing what my true place was. I loved to use my mother’s makeup on myself when there was nobody watching, and used rags to fake long hair, wrapped myself in bedsheets to make believe they were dresses, it was all very fun and pleasing.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Interview with Fay Presto


Magic has long been a male-dominated field, but there are those who have defied the odds, breaking barriers with skill, wit, and sheer determination. One such trailblazer is Fay Presto, Britain’s premier female magician, whose career has dazzled audiences for decades. With a signature style of close-up magic and a reputation for transforming any setting into a stage, Fay has entertained royalty, celebrities, and magic enthusiasts alike. From performing for Her Majesty The Queen on five occasions to leaving guests in awe at London's most exclusive venues, Fay Presto has truly made her mark in the world of magic. A Member of The Inner Magic Circle, she is best known for her breathtaking "bottle through the table" illusion, a trick so iconic it was ranked among the 50 greatest magic tricks of all time by Channel 4.
But Fay’s journey to becoming a legend of close-up magic was anything but ordinary. Before embracing the world of illusions, she dabbled in atomic energy research, fashion, engineering sales, and even student politics, where she once stood shoulder-to-shoulder with future politicians. However, it was magic that ultimately became her true calling, a career born out of reinvention and resilience. Yet, Fay’s story is not just one of sleight of hand and spectacle; it is also one of perseverance in the face of adversity. As a transgender woman, she encountered barriers within the magic community, even being asked to leave The Magic Circle when she began her transition. However, in 1991, when women were finally welcomed into the prestigious organization, Fay was among the first to join. Since then, she has not only earned the admiration of her peers but also paved the way for future generations of women in magic. 
Beyond the stage, Fay has been a dedicated advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and children's charities, using her platform to support and uplift others. Whether performing for Madonna, Sir Elton John, or a room full of eager onlookers at Langan’s Brasserie, where she held a residency for over two decades, her magic remains a testament to the power of wonder and transformation. In this interview, we sit down with the legendary Fay Presto to discuss her remarkable career, the evolution of magic, and the challenges she has faced along the way. Prepare to be inspired by a woman who proves that true magic is not just in the tricks but in the courage to be oneself.
Her first 10x8, 1985.
Monika: Hello Fay! Welcome to my blog!
Fay: Hello Monika!
Monika: Throughout history, magic has captivated audiences by creating illusions that defy logic and reality. From ancient rituals to modern stage performances, it continues to enchant people worldwide. What is it about magic that makes it such a timeless and essential part of entertainment?
Fay: Magic, my kind of magic, is part of the entertainment industry. People have a fundamental need to be entertained, after air, water, food, and shelter, comes entertainment; be it folk tales, shamanic dancing, or cave paintings that flicker in the firelight.
We go out, kill the mammoth, bring it home, skin it and cook it and then gather in the cave behind the fire and tell tales to help us forget the sabre-toothed tiger on the other side of the flames.
That is why today we have books, cinema, television, and theatre. We need the entertainment to distract us from the horrors of everyday life.
Monika: For centuries, magicians were often linked to the devil and the occult, facing suspicion and even persecution. It wasn’t until the 18th century that magic emerged as a respected craft, gaining widespread popularity in the 19th and 20th centuries. How would you describe the role and perception of magic in the 21st century?
Fay: Until recently in England, magic has had a status a little below that of a tax inspector singing off-key. It is enjoying a little renaissance at the moment. There has been a rise in the popularity of a clutch of ‘David Blain’ tattooed young men.
English people are not very good at releasing their inner child, they won’t go to a theme park without taking the children along, and there is a long-standing feeling that ‘one grows out of believing in magic’. If you can construct a scenario where they can let go, they have a wonderful time. 
A publicity shot from the late eighties.
Monika: You’ve had the remarkable honor of performing for Her Majesty The Queen on six separate occasions. How do members of the royal family react to your magic, do they allow themselves to be fully captivated, or do they try to uncover the secrets behind the illusions?
Fay: It turns out I am quite good at creating a situation where English people can let go and give their inner child a moment out in the light. If you remember that even elevated and famous people are just that, people, then we can all have some fun. As a jester I am allowed to metaphorically bop the Queen over the head with the pig's bladder... so long as it is funny.
Monika: Channel 4 ranked your Bottle Thru Table trick as the 37th Greatest Magic Trick of All Time. What’s your creative process when it comes to inventing new illusions?
Fay: Having recreated myself to ‘get the hair all lying along the grain’, I have created very little. I suppose I did create a ‘style’ of performance that did not exist before I came along and saw the potential. I have taken pretty standard effects and powered them up a bit. 
Bottle through table; a rather odd thing to be known for, pushing a bottle through a table, is a case in point. I saw the trick on the shelf of a magic dealer at a magic convention in San Diego.
I got it back to my hotel room, read the instructions, and realized it was quite unperformable in the working environment I operated in. It sat in the ‘magic cupboard’ for about three months, until one day I realized there was a ‘handling’ that could and did work for me.
The rest is history, as they say. Last night in front of five hundred people, as part of my stage act in a Theatre near London, I pushed a bottle through a young member of the audience lying on a table ... and the table. The trick was never intended for that kind of performance, but it was very well received, and that potential was there, locked inside it since it had been invented. There is a little lesson there for many of us I think.
Queens of Magic 2010 Blackpool pleasure beach.
Monika: You were the focus of the BBC2 documentary Illusions of Grandeur. How did it feel to have your life and work captured on film, and what was the experience like behind the scenes?
Fay: "Illusions of Grandeur" was a documentary in the BBC ’40 Minutes’ Series. I did not want to do it and agonized about it for several years. I really believe our ‘gender’ is our own affair, but if it had to be done, and I made sure I trusted the team implicitly, it was a worthwhile thing to do. There were some moments of the film I was very proud of.
Monika: When you were going through your transition, were there any transgender role models who inspired or guided you along the way?
Fay: No. I was allowed to believe I was the only person in the world with these ‘disgusting desires.’
Monika: Looking back on your coming out journey, what was the most challenging part of the experience?
Fay: When I was eighteen I was caught ‘inappropriately dressed’ riding my motor scooter around Abingdon, and found myself in court.
I was sentenced to two years in prison or electro-aversion therapy. I managed to talk my way out of either, but the cost was high and I had to ‘bury’ myself for ten years. When I did emerge into the light it was a long journey back. I went to my parents' home and explained things as best as I could.
My mother said we love you dearly, but perhaps it would be better if you did not come home in the daylight. I won them over in the end, but that one phrase still hurts and I can recall every moment of the conversation even today.
Monika: How do you see the current status of transgender women in British society, have there been significant improvements, or do major challenges remain?
Fay: I have a big problem. My problem is with the word ‘Stealth.’ It implies something underhand and deceitful. If it is at all possible I think living without exposure is probably the best place to be, and should not be seen as aberrant. The jury is still out on this and others should decide, be allowed to decide, without such slanted words coloring their decision. 
What does magic do; A sick bay in a Theme Park.
I believe that there is a deeply and genetically ingrained revulsion against us in many men. This increases the casual everyday prejudice against us and is probably best dealt with by not proclaiming it. There is a sort of wicked pleasure, especially when we are new, attractive, and yes, a little excited about our situation, in the ‘shock horror expose’ of hearing people say ‘you would never know!’
It is not unlike the quick fix of ego in revealing how a magic trick is done. As with revelations about the method behind a trick, you realize it is actually better to keep the secret. The long-term comfort of anonymity is a better triumph to have. Once the genie is out of the bottle, there is no putting it back, we should be encouraged to think about this very carefully, and do not trust any journalist anywhere… ever. Do not trust any journalist anywhere… ever. Do not trust any journalist anywhere… ever. They will destroy your life.
Monika: So what do we need? 
Fay: We are, I think our own worst enemy on this. We need role models, Oh God, do we need role models, but we should also really interrogate ourselves about the in/out debate and supply balanced guidance to help people decide for themselves. With the huge strides being made with puberty blockers and so much better prognoses and outcomes, this needs addressing more than ever.
The journey we are on is similar to the gay community. We may be on parallel tracks, but our ultimate destination is different. We have both been fighting for protection from persecution, but the gay community is fighting for the right to be visible but treated as equal by society. I think some, maybe most of us, are fighting for the right to be invisible and treated as equal by society.
I am not sure about the catch-all GLBT handle. Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual are definitions of sexuality; Transexualism is a statement of gender. Sure there are Gay Transexuals, Lesbian Transexuals, and Bisexual Transexuals, but where do the Heterosexual transsexuals go in all of this.
What does magic do; A sick bay in a theme park
20 minutes later.
Monika: Do you believe transgender rights could become the next major frontier in the fight for human rights?
Fay: A frontier, for sure, but not the frontier, there is no end to the ghastliness of the treatment mankind, (I use the term advisedly) can visit upon mankind, but we are definitely a frontier. The way a society treats those on the fringes of that society is an important barometer of the health of that society. We all need to play our part in nurturing the society we all live into better health. 
Monika: Are you involved in politics or participate in any lobbying campaigns? In your opinion, can transgender women make a significant impact in the political arena?
Fay: Not so much these days. I was the president of a college Students Union and stood shoulder to shoulder with Jack Straw, then The NUS (National Union of Students) President and now an ex-Home Secretary, on the steps of the Endsleigh Street NUS H.Q. We were defending it against a takeover sit-in (the heady political days of the late 1960s) by some radical students from Oxford.
I was involved with an organization called ‘Shaft’, yes really; it stood for Self Help Association For Transexuals and was run by an ex-military type called Judy cousins.
We transmuted it into TAG, the Transsexuals Action Group and we marched, lobbied parliament, and met with Alex Carlisle, now Lord Carlisle, who has done so much for us. We ran a self-help group in Islington, ‘personned’ a switchboard offering completely unqualified telephone support for, etc.
I was once asked to be a prospective parliamentary candidate. I am currently fighting a small skirmish against the casual sexism rampant in the magic community, but I don’t see myself as a ‘political animal’. 
Monika: How important is love in your life, and how has it shaped your journey?
Fay: I wish!
Monika: How do you feel about fashion? What types of outfits do you typically wear, and are there any particular designs, colors, or trends you gravitate towards?
Fay: My performance clothes are high glamour, or as high as a ‘superannuated granny woman’ can aspire to. I like smart functional clothes the rest of the time, and this is being written in jeans and a sweatshirt.

A table in Langans this year.

Monika: Many transgender women have written memoirs about their journeys. Have you ever considered writing a book to share your own story?
Fay: I have had quite enough rejection for one life. If someone came to me with a concrete proposal and a fairly guaranteed outcome I might consider it, but I am not about to commit to hours of work only to be told ‘There is no requirement for this’.
Monika: Are you currently working on any exciting new projects?
Fay: Trying to stay solvent.
Monika: What advice would you give to transgender women who are considering a career in entertainment?
Fay: Think. Think very, very carefully, and only proceed if you are really good at accepting rejection and disappointment. There are very few who can make even a modest income from this industry, and it is one of the most reactionary industries there is. I have been told I cannot get booked on a cruise liner because ‘they will not know which toilets I will use.
Think about it and… Do not trust any journalist anywhere…ever. Do not trust any journalist anywhere… ever. Do not trust any journalist anywhere…ever. They will destroy your life.
Monika: Fay, thank you for the interview!


All the photos: courtesy of Fay Presto.
© 2014 - Monika Kowalska

Some documentaries with Fay Presto:

  • Fay Presto: Illusions of Grandeur
    Director: Sally George Release Year: 1994 In 1994, the BBC produced a documentary that would cement the legacy of one of the most iconic magicians of the 20th century. Titled...

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Interview with Melissa Sklarz

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Melissa Sklarz with whom I would like to discuss the role of transgender women in US politics, culture, and society. Melissa is a transgender advocate and activist, delegate to the Democratic National Convention in New York, presiding over Stonewall Democratic Club. Hello Melissa! 
Melissa: Hi Monika!!! Thanks for doing this and for reaching out to New York City!! 
Monika: I am tempted to ask about your family roots. Your family surname sounds Polish …
Melissa: The family surname Sklarz means glassworker or window cleaner, depending on which part of Poland or the Czech Republic you are from. My estimate is my family left Poland in the late 18th Century and then went to Munich for 3 generations. My family arrived in New York City in the late 1850s.
Monika: Could you say a few words about your career so far?
Melissa: I transitioned in the early 1990s and then became a peer counselor at the Gender Identity Project in the mid-90s. People asked about resources for trans people and I discovered there were none. I started getting involved with the government and the political system at that point, and have continued on from there.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Interview with Johanna Kamermans

Monika: Today is my pleasure and honor to interview Johanna Kamermans (born 1938), a writer, translator, and former striptease dancer from the Netherlands. For nearly 15 years, she worked in cabarets in Germany, Belgium, and Luxembourg as a striptease dancer named Gina de Senfal (for a short time as Gigi Deloran), the author of the autobiographical novel titled "Schlauchgelüste" (2012) and other 10 books of all kinds. Hello Johanna!
Johanna: Hello dear Monika! Many thanks for your invitation and I am very glad that you give me the possibility to say something about my transgender life, especially in the former times. I always say: “Future and past belong together, especially for us transgender people, because also we – like other people too - become elder and elder (help !)…”
Monika: You come from a very cosmopolitan family with parental roots in Germany (mother), the Netherlands (father), and Flanders (paternal ancestors)...
Johanna: Yes, in 1933 my beautiful mother came from Gelsenkirchen-Buer (Ruhr-Region) to Vlissingen (a seaside resort on the Dutch North Sea coast). She worked there in the famous “Grand Hotel Britannia” and there she met my father. I wrote 4 genealogical books about both of them and my worldwide family.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Interview with Jennifer Cohen-Taylor

Monika: Today’s interview will be with Jennifer Cohen-Taylor, a video blogger that documents her transition on YouTube. Hello Jennifer!
Jennifer: Hello Monika! I am honored to be one of many so highly admired women. Thank you.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Jennifer: Sure, I have always known that I was a woman. From very young, about 5, I knew it well. There was never dysphoria at that age. I lived as me. I was happy. But as I grew older, I began to see that my body was not like other girls. That’s when the issues began. It took me a long time – 44 years, to finally come out and be Jenny, but today I am happy and free – the woman I have always known.
Monika: Why did you decide to share your transition details on YouTube?
Jennifer: Well, I have always loved video as a medium to share and connect with people. I look into the lens and I imagine people like you on the other side. I connect with people using real emotions and real words from my heart. YouTube allows me to do that well.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Interview with Rachel Love

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Rachel Love, a radio host, coach, and intuitive instructor, the author of the books titled “Things My Mother Should Have Told Me Before I had My Manhood Removed“ (2013) and “The Day God Died” (2013). Hello Rachel!
Rachel: Hello Monika, thanks for this opportunity to be interviewed by you. 
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Rachel: Seems to me that you have said a whole bunch about me already. Perhaps I can add that I like to shop, travel and take strolls along the beach with that special person. Lol
Monika: Why did you decide to write your Memoir “Things My Mother Should Have Told Me Before I had My Manhood Removed“?
Rachel: Friends have been after me for years to write about my life and experiences that lead up to where I am now. This book is a part of that path.
I started to write many times the story of my childhood and stopped before finishing. The past has a way of haunting me and the memories and feelings resurface when I write. So I had allowed the ghosts of my past to discourage me and I stopped writing it many times over the years.
Over those same years, I have had people offer to help write it for me. But then they fail to do so. So just before I wrote this book “Things My Mother Should Have Told Me.” I was working with another author to finally write my childhood story. Unfortunately or fortunately the results were a partially finished book.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Interview with Laura Calvo

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Laura Calvo, an American politician, transgender advocate, served as Treasurer of the Democratic Party of Oregon, the first transgender woman elected to the Democratic National Committee, Vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee LGBT Caucus, according to Just Out - one of the top 25 LGBT community leaders of the past quarter-century. She’s been awarded the IFGE Trinity Award, and Spirit of Pride Award by Portland Oregon’s annual Gay Pride organization. Hello Laura!
Laura: Hello Monika! I was pleasantly surprised to be included in your interviews. 
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Laura: I’m a child of the ’60s growing up in the Haight-Ashbury of San Francisco. In the mid 70’s I went to work for the city of San Francisco as a paramedic. My first political action was helping with Harvey Milk’s campaign. I then moved to rural Southern Oregon in the ’80s and eventually to Portland Oregon in 2004, where I currently live.
Along the way, I eventually found myself and have no regrets other than I wish that I had the foresight way back then to have found myself earlier. I’m not sure how much that would have changed where I am at now, but if I’m honest perhaps I would not be involved with politics as I am now.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Interview with Amy Brosnahan

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Amy Brosnahan, an inspirational transgender girl from New Zealand, finalist of the Battle of the Babes, a New Zealand beauty pageant. Hello Amy!
Amy: Hello, it’s great to be doing an interview, Monika. I feel very honored. 
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Amy: Well, I’m 18 years old, and I was born in Auckland, New Zealand. I like to dance and sing - not that I am particularly good at it though. I am a really sociable person and I love being around my friends and people who support me. I’m half Samoan – my dad is Samoan and my mum is Pakeha (born in New Zealand but of Irish descent).
I’m just a normal girl who happens to be seen as different, and quite often misunderstood. I consider myself to be a very strong person and usually roll with the knocks, but occasionally things will push me right back down again and it takes a little while to bounce back. But I always do.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Interview with Carys Massarella

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Carys Massarella, a doctor of emergency medicine at McMaster University and Lead Physician of the Transcare Program at Quest Community Health Centre in St. Catharine’s, Canada. She grew up in Sudbury, Ontario, and graduated from the University of Western Ontario. Hello Carys!
Carys: Hello Monika!
Monika: You are one of few ‘non-pathologizing’ trans-care health providers in Ontario. Could you explain what ‘Non-Pathologizing’ stands for?
Carys: A non-pathologizing approach to transgender care essentially implies that there is no diagnosis to make with transgender people. The idea that this is a pathologic process is patently absurd. There is no inherent biological risk in being transgendered.
In that I mean by being transgendered there is no measurable biological effect in a negative way. The documented poor outcomes for trans-identified individuals are a product of issues related to the social determinants of health that affect all such marginalized populations such as poverty, homelessness, access to health care, and violence. These are corrected at the political level with advocacy from health care providers and transgender activists as key players.
So for me, there is no diagnosis essentially to make. I allow transgender people to claim their identity and then provide safe and medically appropriate access to cross-gender hormone therapy and surgery plus support through the transition. That is the essence of what I do.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Interview with Michelle Austin


Michelle Austin is a trailblazing transgender actress, producer, director, and video editor whose impact on the adult entertainment industry extends far beyond the screen. A fierce advocate for representation and visibility, she has played a pivotal role in breaking barriers for transgender individuals in media. Her exceptional talent and dedication earned her the prestigious 2013 Tranny Award for Voluptuous Model, a testament to her influence and presence in the industry. More than just a performer, Michelle is a dynamic businesswoman who has carved out her own space as a producer and director, shaping narratives and redefining standards within her field. Her entrepreneurial spirit and creative vision have established her as a force to be reckoned with. Beyond entertainment, she leverages her platform to champion transgender rights, fostering empowerment and inclusion within the community. Bold, ambitious, and unapologetically herself, Michelle Austin continues to leave an indelible mark on the industry and beyond.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Interview with Jessie Jacobson

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Jessie Jacobson, an inspirational woman from New York and Los Angeles, now living in London, United Kingdom, a specialist in psychotherapy and private counseling with a focus on transsexual, transgender, intersex, and other gender-variant individuals; in addition to lesbian, gay, bisexual and heterosexual clients. Jessie also lectures on trans issues and therapy and has taught graduate psychology courses in Human Sexuality. Hello Jessie!
Jessie: Hello Monika. I’ve seen your site and have found the interviews both educational and enjoyable. I really appreciate what you’re doing and am honored to participate. 
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Jessie: I identify as a woman or a transwoman. I’m not too bothered about specific terminologies although there are certain names and terms I would prefer not to have applied to me. I believe all of us should be free to choose the terminology for ourselves that we believe is most suitable and that none of us should attempt to assign terminology to others. I transitioned somewhat late in life despite knowing since as far back as I can remember that I identified as female rather than male.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Interview with Sally Goldner


Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Sally Goldner, an Australian drummer, singer, and stand-up comic, Executive Director for TransGender Victoria, treasurer of Bisexual Alliance Victoria, and treasurer of the Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby, listed in The Age Top 100 Creative and Influential People in Melbourne in 2011. Hello Sally!
Sally: Great to be with you.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Sally: I’ve been physically alive since October 1965 but only spiritually alive since April 1995 which was when I finally received accurate information about trans. At that point, all the pieces of my life began to make sense. I realized my need to affirm my female identity permanently about 3 years later and in between those 2 ties, I got to the truth about my sexual orientation, which I now define as bi/pansexual – like most things, it’s an evolution. 
Monika: How did you start your artistic career?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Interview with Andie Davidson

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Andie Davidson, a publisher, writer, blogger, musician, and author of "Realisations" (2012). Hello Honey!
Andie: Hi Monika, it’s great to join you here, and in such a company.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Andie: No! I talk far too much! But I can try. I live on the south coast of the UK and work as a technical writer in an engineering company. I was married for over 30 years and have two grown-up children. I’m recently divorced, but happy to have found my true self after 55 years of ignorance and another couple of years sorting it out.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Interview with Riah Roe


Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Riah Roe, an inspirational American girl, transgender activist, and advocate, known for her transgender activism at Concordia College, a private college in Moorhead, Minnesota. Hello Riah!
Riah: Hi Monika, thank you so much for that kind introduction.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Riah: Well, as you mentioned, my name is Riah (Rye-uh) Roe. I currently call Minneapolis Minnesota my home. I moved here during the summer of 2013 shortly after I graduated from Concordia College in western Minnesota.
Throughout my studies there I focused primarily on critical issues within the field of gender and sexuality. Now, being a more conservative private college there really was not a program for that so I ended up with a double major in Psychology and Sociology with a minor in Women's Studies.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Interview with Robyn Alice McCutcheon

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Robyn Ann Jane Alice McCutcheon, an inspirational American woman, diplomat (Foreign Service Officer -- FSO) who has served at U.S. embassies in Uzbekistan, Russia, Romania, author of a number of publications on Russian and Soviet history, a former engineer on NASA projects including Hubble Space Telescope, author of a web journal titled Transgender in State. This year she is working at the U.S. State Department in Washington, DC, where she also serves as president of GLIFAA, the LGBT+ pride association for U.S. foreign affairs' agencies. Hello Robyn!
Robyn: Hi, Monika! I've enjoyed your profiles of transgender heroines, many of whom are my personal heroines. It's quite an honor that you would want to include me in that number!
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Robyn: Well, I'm 59 going on 29, divorced, and happier and more excited about the world than I've ever been. I come from a Scotch-Irish family but fell in love with the Russian language and "things Russian" when I was in the university.
I grew up in the 60s in the early days of the space program. That's how it is that I ended up with two careers: 25 years of working on NASA projects and now 10 years of working for the U.S. Department of State as a Foreign Service Officer.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Interview with Johanna E.


Monika: Today, I have the pleasure and honor of interviewing Johanna E., an inspiring Austrian woman, stewardess, yoga instructor, and celebrity star of the German reality show Transgender – Mein Weg in den richtigen Körper. Welcome, Johanna!
Johanna: Hi Monika, I feel very happy about this interview.
Monika: What motivated you to apply for Transgender – Mein Weg in den richtigen Körper? Was it a spontaneous decision, or had you been thinking about it for a long time?
Johanna: It was pure instinct and ambition. When I saw Transgender for the first time two years ago, I felt envy and a strong need to participate in that TV show as well. There was no certain reason, I just wanted to be part of that. I considered it as my next goal. Looking back, it turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Interview with Julie Nemecek

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Rev. Dr. Julie Nemecek, an American transgender activist, lecturer, professor, ordained Baptist minister, and Presbyterian Church elder. She was born in Chicago, Illinois but Michigan has been home for many years. In 2007 she hit the national headlines when she was fired from Spring Arbor University when she came out as a transgender professor. In 2008 Julie was appointed co-executive director for the LGBT civil rights organization Michigan Equality to become the first transgender person to serve as executive director for a statewide civil rights organization. Hello Julie!
Julie: Hello Monika!
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Julie: I am 63 and retired, but still active for LGBTQ rights and equality. I will have been married 42 years this June; have 3 boys – all married – and 5 grandchildren with another on the way.
Monika: In 2007 you made headlines for being fired by Spring Arbor University after saying you were going to transition into a woman. Are you still bitter about that act of discrimination?
Julie: Not really. I have had a lot of support from former colleagues and students. It was mainly the Board that had issues (fearing lost revenue and/or students). I worked for 18 months AFTER they knew I was trans and transitioning.
We reached a mediated settlement to my Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint after 13 hours of negotiation over two days. They knew they were in a difficult position because they taught the standards of care that I was following and had admitted a transgender student to a graduate program based on her Christian witness.
One positive outcome was that their act of discrimination brought me over 100 media interviews in 2007 including Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and even Christianity Today. This, along with two other highly publicized trans stories in early 2007, had a collective impact of bringing trans issues to the forefront of public thought.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Interview with Maki Gingoyon

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Maki Gingoyon, aka Maki Eve Mercedes, a Filipino trans woman beauty queen, most well known for winning Queen of Cebu 2010, and being one of the Queens for Super Sireyna 2013. Hello Maki!
Maki: Hey Monika! Thanks for having me on your blog. And it is nice to meet someone like you, a fellow transgender woman making a difference in promoting a good image among trans women.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Maki: I am 24, turning 25 this year, and I am a transgender woman from the Philippines. I studied BS Psychology, unfortunately, I was not able to finish it due to some family issues, which challenged me to be independent and work my a** out by applying for a call center job. This is a very common job opportunity in the Philippines, especially for 2nd-year college students who want to work. That actually helped me to support myself and my transitioning.
And currently, I work as a digital online marketing director for a transgender dating site together with my boyfriend.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Interview with Kenna Henderson

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Kenna Henderson, an American writer, ghostwriter, editor, and the author of the book titled "I'm Not The Man I Used To Be" (2012). Hello Kenna!
Kenna: Hello! I’m very flattered that you would consider me for an interview. I see all the lovely ladies you have talked with and wonder “What on Earth am I doing here?”.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Kenna: I’m sure you’ve heard the term “late bloomer”. I was born in 1941, knew without a doubt by age six that I was transgender, and I kept it secret for more than five decades. I don’t remember how I learned it was something to be ashamed of, but I had no relatable examples in the media and no one I could talk to.
It was only in 1994, when I gained access to the internet, that I began to understand what I was dealing with and realized that there were a lot of other people like me. From that point on, I began to evolve. It took another ten years or so for me to know and accept exactly where I fit on the gender spectrum - and find peace.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Interview with Tammy Powers

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Tammy Powers, an American transgender activist, the owner of the bike shop in San Francisco. Hello Tammy!
Tammy: Hi, thank you for contacting me. I’m glad you want to ask me some questions about me and my bicycle shop, A Tran’s Bay Bike Shop.
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Tammy: Sure, I’m a businesswoman, part-time stand-up comedian, helpful, sincere, trustworthy, tenacious, lover of dogs, and I make the best vegetarian lasagna you ever had.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Interview with Dallas Denny

Monika: Today it is my pleasure and honor to interview Dallas Denny, a writer, editor, behavior analyst, pioneer, and leader in the transgender rights movement in the USA, recipient of IFGE's Trinity and Virginia Prince Lifetime Achievement Awards and Real Life Experience's Transgender Pioneer Award. Hello Dallas!
Dallas: Hi, Monika, and thanks so much for having me!
Monika: Could you say a few words about yourself?
Dallas: Let’s see, what do I want to say about myself… I live in a tiny town called Pine Lake, population 800, which happens to be in the middle of Metropolitan Atlanta, just 10 miles from downtown. It was started in the 1930s as a lake community resort so Atlantans could vacation in the country.
Today Pine Lake still looks like a girl scout camp, heavily wooded with cabins and cottages and of course a lake, but the city extends 50 miles past it! My house is mere feet from the lake, and all of the lake is a park. The town is filled with artists and interesting people of all sorts—and several other transpeople live here.

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