Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Interview with Janice Covington


Monika: Today, I am both honored and thrilled to interview Janice Covington Allison, a prominent transgender rights activist from Charlotte, North Carolina. Janice has been a well-known advocate for transgender rights since the 1980s and has made significant contributions to the LGBTQ+ community. She was the first openly transgender woman from North Carolina to serve as a delegate at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Additionally, she founded TransCarolina, an organization that not only addressed workplace rights but also served as a social group for transgender individuals. Janice, welcome!
Janice: Hello Monika!
Monika: To start, could you share a bit about your career journey and how you got involved in advocacy?
Janice: I have always loved working with my hands and I have owned my own successful business since 1983 as a building contractor, mostly doing historical and residential renovations.
Monika: What do you see as the most pressing issues on the transgender advocacy agenda today?
Janice: Right now I feel the most important piece of political legislation concerning the transgender community is the federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act [ENDA]. It would give transgender people the right to work and earn a living like any other American without the fear of harassment, bigotry, and discrimination in the workplace. Transgender people have the same desires as anyone else: they want to own a home and a car and to be able to support themselves. To penalize a person because of their gender identity is just simply wrong.

With North Carolina Governor.

As the North Carolina state organizer for Get-Equal I have held two picket demonstrations this year that were very effective in advancing the ENDA agenda and Just last month the Mecklenburg County commissioners here in Charlotte NC, have voted to add gender Identity to its employment policies and I feel that constitutes another win for inclusion and equality.
Monika: You’re very active in US politics, especially in advancing transgender rights. Can you tell us about some of the initiatives or projects you’ve been involved in?
Janice: I have been involved with the fight for transgender rights all my life and for example the anti-hate crimes bill, employment without discrimination, and the right for a transgender person to be the person they were born to be without persecution and prejudice.
Our society is moving forward at a slow pace but we are getting there through education. I have found that people will accept us as equals if we initiate communication through interacting and educating people outside of our comfort zone, by doing this, it seems that acceptance is fairly easy once people get to know me.
Monika: How do you view the administration of President Obama in terms of its approach to transgender Americans?
Janice: Right now I feel that we are being cared about in ways we haven’t in the past. President Barack Obama is the first and only president in history that has ever supported LGBTQ rights. Through heavy criticism, he has held fast in his beliefs that all people have the same rights regardless of how they identify. I commend this man for being true to his beliefs and I thank him for being a man of integrity.
Monika: During the last presidential campaign, did you notice any major differences in how the Republican and Democratic parties addressed the needs of the transgender community?
Janice: It was pretty simple for me to understand the difference because the Democratic Party was open and accepting of my community and when I ran for a delegate position. The Republican Party was obviously not, because of their belief in American Values that excluded the recognition and acceptance of the LGBTQ community. According to the beliefs of the Republican Party, we the LGBTQ have no rights in our own country.
Monika: In American politics, various interest groups vie for attention to achieve their goals. How do you think the transgender community is faring in this dynamic?
Janice: Our community is moving ahead, but I have found the interest of most transgender MTF and FTM is not political, though I wish they were more involved.

NASCAR Flag girl.

Monika: Transgender rights often align with broader LGBTQ+ issues. Given that transgender individuals are at the end of the LGBTQ acronym, do you think the community is able to push its own agenda within the larger LGBTQ movement?
Janice: It’s a fight every day to convince the Armani suit supreme gay male that we are here to stay. The Human Rights Campaign and other so-called LGBTQ organizations have displayed the non-acceptance of transgender persons many times over the years.
It seems they welcome us when they want our dollars but when it comes to negotiating for equal rights we get deleted from the program as soon as there is a threat to their own agenda.
I have been dubbed Mrs. Johnson of Harper Valley PTA and I hold to that reputation. I will not bend, I will not falter and I will not succumb to outside pressure of any group or people. The most important cause to me is the family and that is the entire LGBTQIA community.
Monika: Is there anyone in the transgender community whose actions you think could be compared to the legacy of Harvey Milk in the fight for gay rights?
Janice: I can only say there are many and I cannot single out one person because I feel no one has stood out like Harvey Milk. Harvey Milk was one of a kind and it was devastating to our cause to lose him at an early age. He was my inspiration and I try every day to follow in his footsteps.
I feel that there will never be another like him. I regret I left San Francisco in 1973 around the same time he came. If I would have met him I would have stayed to fight our struggle with him.
In August of 2013, I received the Harvey Milk Award; to me, it was the highest honor that a person in our community can ever receive, I was very humbled. Harvey said, today is a better day and tomorrow will be a better day because of you. I hear those words every day and I live by them.
Monika: How do you perceive the current situation for transgender women in American society?
Janice: We have a long way to go but we are getting there. Every day I see more and more of us coming out and getting involved. The key is education as we cannot live in a bubble we must educate everyone we come in contact with, family friends, co-workers, and anyone. We can change the world for the better, just by being open.

With the United States Senator Kay Hagan.

Many people that I encounter through my travels accept me for who I am. But on occasion, I do run into some who just don't understand me because of their lack of socializing with LGBT people. They are ignorant of the fact that we are no different than they are.
Many times I sit down with people who have never seen a transgender other than on the 6 o'clock news. We talk, and I give them permission to ask me anything. Some of the questions are valid and some are comical. I believe as a transgender, education is the key to eradicate hate and discrimination. I sit and talk about fishing, playing ball, and the past weekend's football game. Then like magic, they realize I am no different from them. Sometimes after our talk, when we depart, they thank me, shake my hand or hug me.
To me, that is a wonderful feeling because I have changed my mind and soul for the better. Jesus said no man shall judge another - only God can judge. If I am doing wrong for being me, then I and no one else will pay the price on judgment day.
Monika: Do you think that in our lifetime, we might see a transgender woman become the President of the United States?
Janice: NO, unless we can come up with someone who can walk on water.
Monika: When you transitioned, did you have any role models who helped guide you, and what was your knowledge of transgenderism at the time?
Janice: In 1969 I met Sunny Rae who was the love of my life, she was my role model, and she was all I knew because there were no internet or LGBTQ community centers like today. Even though today she lives in Chicago at the age of 72 in a senior citizen home we talk a couple of times a month on the phone. My connection to her will never fade as she was my inspiration.
My knowledge of transgenderism was learning as I go, like I said there was no internet, Sonny introduced me to the hormones of the times, birth control pills. We had no doctors or endocrinologists to treat us, it was trial and era. lol 
Monika: What was the hardest part of your coming out journey?
Janice: Finding a job. When I came out in 1969 we were not known as transgender women, we were classified either as drag queens or transvestite. It was not even on the radar for someone like me to find a job as a transgender woman. Times were hard; police harassment was an everyday occurrence. I can recall one time when Sonny and I were walking to see a movie on the corner of 5th St. and Market St, in San Francisco.
We lived in the Tenderloin and had no car, so walking was how we got around. That night we were so excited because a new movie just came out, 2001 Space Odyssey. While walking the final half block, a man approached us as he did he reached for my throat, without hesitation I knocked him out. We ran into the theater before the police could come because we would have gone to jail instead of him.
Transphobia and hate towards all gays were running ramped in the Castro. I can recall when the Drag Queens and the street hustlers formed a group called the Lavender Panthers, they patrolled the streets in the Tenderloin protecting us from being assaulted and even killed. They only lasted a couple of years before the police forced them to disband, I thank them every day.

Doing a show during the Democratic
National Convention.

Also, I want to add, I was not there in 1967 during the riots at Compton’s Cafeteria but we would go by and look in the window, not daring to go in. I hear about Stonewall being the first for the community to stand up in 1969, but they were not the first. Compton’s Cafeteria deserves that recognition. The movie The Screaming Queens portrayed that event very well.
Monika: Have you ever been married, and how do you view the role of love in your life?
Janice: Yes, I was married to a wonderful woman for about 30 years. Tragically, she took her own life five years ago due to stress from her job. I miss her every day, but I always remember how supportive she was of the LGBTQ community and the many events we were involved in, especially bingo. She was a beautiful person, and I carry her memory with me always.
Monika: Many transgender individuals write memoirs to share their stories. Have you ever considered writing a book?
Janice: I’ve started writing it several times, but I always stop after about 40 pages. Between my advocacy work and everything else I’m involved in, it’s hard to find the time to finish. But I do hope to complete it one day.
Monika: Would you say that you’re a happy woman now?
Janice: Yes, I am very happy. Six months ago, I joined the Democratic Women of North Carolina as the first transgender member, and in 2013, I was elected as a delegate representing the 12th Congressional District. The support I get from my friends and community is incredible, and I’m accepted as an equal. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.
Monika: Janice, thank you so much for this insightful conversation!
Janice: Thank you, Monika. Love Y’a!

All the photos: courtesy of Janice Covington.
© 2013 - Monika Kowalska


Janice Covington passed away in 2021, but her legacy continues to inspire many in the fight for equality and justice.

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