Sunday, December 15, 2013

Interview with Rachel Pollack


Monika: Today, I have the pleasure and honor of interviewing Rachel Pollack, an acclaimed science fiction author, comic book writer, and Tarot grandmaster. Born in Brooklyn, New York, Rachel has made a significant impact in literature and spirituality. She graduated from New York University and Claremont Graduate University and has built a legacy through her writing, exploring themes of identity, mythology, and the mystical arts. She is best known for her novels Unquenchable Fire (1989), Godmother Night (1997), and Temporary Agency (1995), as well as her groundbreaking work on Tarot. Rachel, welcome to the interview!
Rachel: Hi, Monika! Thanks for doing this. It’s always great to have thoughtful conversations.
Monika: Many people associate Tarot card reading with a mysterious woman in flowing robes, leaning over a small table in a candlelit room, foretelling impending doom. How accurate is this image compared to the reality of Tarot reading?
Rachel: There are always people who do this sort of theatrical style, and always some who want to scare their clients. But most modern readers are serious about interpreting the cards to benefit people. Much of modern reading is psychological, about character as much as events. And there is a strong spiritual component. Many people find that Tarot readings help them reflect deeply on their own lives and choices.
Monika: You've had an impressive career as a writer. What first sparked your passion for storytelling?
Rachel: I started at 8 or 9, in a Big Eagle tablet that my parents gave me to keep me occupied on a vacation trip. Never stopped. Writing became a lifelong passion that shaped my career and personal growth.

The Tarot of Perfection: A Book
of Tarot Tales - Amazon.

Monika: You have authored over 30 books, including both fiction and non-fiction. Out of all your works, which ones hold the most meaning for you?
Rachel: My current total is actually 34 published and two more on the way. The favorite of my novels is either Unquenchable Fire or Godmother Night, I can never decide. Of my non-fiction, my favorites are 78 Degrees of Wisdom and The Forest of Souls, two very different books about the Tarot. 78 Degrees has had a great impact. I get letters from people all over the world saying how much it’s meant to them.
And of course, there’s also the comics I wrote, which are high among my favorite works, especially Doom Patrol, where I got to introduce Kate, the transsexual lesbian superhero with alchemical powers. And my novel A Secret Woman holds a special place in my heart. It was meant to launch a series starring a transsexual detective, but sadly the publisher did not want to pursue it. I hope that in time, more stories like this will find their audience and be given the chance to thrive.
Monika: When you create transgender characters in your books or projects, do you include autobiographical elements in their lives or stories, or are they purely fictional?
Rachel: More a mix of myself and various people I’ve known. The activist Anne Ogborn has actually been a character in a number of my stories (mythologized, but with Annie, it’s never a big step). When I created Kate Godwin (the name taken from Kate Bornstein and Chelsea Goodwin) I made her a former prostitute and computer programmer, just because those were at that time the most common professions for TG women. This is definitely not an expression of transgender. I like to blend reality with imagination, taking inspiration from real experiences and turning them into meaningful narratives.
Monika: Over the years, we've seen an increasing number of transgender characters in films and literature. Do you think their representation has improved?
Rachel: In general, I find that far too many are written for a non-TG audience, trying to explain what it means to be TG. Or worse, pleading for acceptance. I would love to see more stories that simply allow trans characters to exist and thrive within their own unique journeys, without being reduced to a lesson for cisgender viewers or readers.
Monika: Would you say that transgender literature is a distinct genre, or is it still in the process of emerging?
Rachel: It’s emerging, and will emerge more as TG writers realize they can write from within the community. As more trans voices take center stage, we’ll see a richer tapestry of storytelling that truly reflects our diverse experiences.

From "Simon Wisdom" (YouTube)

Monika: Some critics argue that contemporary art does not provide enough opportunities for women to showcase their talents and tell stories that resonate with female audiences. Do you agree with this perspective?
Rachel: Well, the entertainment world seems to be run by young men, which certainly limits the ways women are shown and the kind of stories that can be written. There are more strong women characters in movies, but they usually are strong in the way men imagine strength. And they all have men’s names. Max, Jo, Sam, Alex. It’s as if the men who run things can only imagine someone with a masculine name. There is progress, but true change will come when more women, and particularly trans women, are in positions of creative control.
Monika: Are you currently working on any new books or creative projects?
Rachel: Two major things coming. The first is the Burning Serpent Oracle, created together with the artist Robert m. Place. It’s a version of a tradition known as Lenormand. We’re crowd-funding this, and it’s due to be announced any day now. The second is my first novel in 12 or 13 years, The Child Eater, due out in England in July, and the States a few months later. I’m very excited about this. It’s a return to my storytelling roots, and I hope readers will connect with its themes of transformation and self-discovery.
Monika: There are more and more talented transgender writers emerging today. Do you think transgender authors will gain more recognition in the literary world?
Rachel: I think everything is opening up for trans people. It’s an exciting time. More trans writers are being published, and their works are being taken seriously in mainstream literary circles. The challenge now is ensuring these voices remain visible and not just treated as a passing trend.

Leading a ritual on a sacred journey in Greece.

Monika: What is your general view on the current state of transgender women in American society?
Rachel: It seems to me that some kind of threshold has been crossed, where more and more people take TG seriously, and don’t just assume it’s a branch of gay. There’s still a long way to go, but I think it’s begun. The visibility we have now is unprecedented, but with that comes both progress and backlash.
Monika: Was it harder to be a transgender woman in the 70s compared to today?
Rachel: It’s hard to compare the situation. Out transwomen were fairly rare then, and the range of possibilities was quite narrow. For example, no one would have thought of transitioning at work. And the doctors had much more power over people’s lives, withholding hormones or surgery until people twisted themselves into knots to satisfy the doc’s ideas of what a woman or man should be.
One awful thing that was going on was the wave of hatred from women who thought of themselves as radical feminists. There’s still some of that now, but they are much more isolated. The increased awareness today makes a huge difference, but the fight for true equality is far from over.
Monika: At what age did you transition, and what was the process like for you? Did you have support from family and friends?
Rachel: I came out as trans when I was around 25. Being a radical, I understood that living my life, being who I was, was a much better way to be than seeking help from doctors (I managed to stay out of the hands of the psychs the entire time of my transition). I had a lot of support from friends, including my partner. The family was difficult but they came around. The journey was full of challenges, but ultimately, embracing my true self was the best decision I ever made.
Monika: During your transition, did you have any transgender role models you looked up to?
Rachel: There was an older woman I met in London, named Della, who was a model for me of living your life with openness and strength and honesty. There’s a character based on her in my novel A Secret Woman. Seeing someone live so unapologetically was incredibly inspiring, and I hope my own visibility has had a similar impact on others.
Monika: What was the most difficult part of coming out as transgender?
Rachel: To be honest, it was a thrilling experience. Over time, however, I had to deal with the layers of shame I’d built up in myself since very early childhood. But coming out itself was great. I suppose having to tell my family, and deal with their shock and, to some extent, horror and disbelief, was the most difficult part. It’s a process, and in many ways, we are constantly coming out in new spaces and to new people.

On "The Tarot of Perfection" (YouTube).

Monika: American politics is shaped by various interest groups pushing their agendas. How effective has the transgender community been in advocating for its rights?
Rachel: The sense I am getting is that the community has been successful in getting the issues out to the public. That’s the most important thing. When the Vice President of the United States says that transgender is the civil rights issue of our time we know we’re getting somewhere. But legislation and cultural acceptance don’t always move at the same pace, so there’s still a lot of work ahead.
Monika: The transgender cause is often bundled together with the larger LGBT movement. As the “T” in the acronym, do you think the transgender community is able to promote its own distinct concerns within the broader LGBT movement?
Rachel: This has always been a huge problem. But what I’m seeing now is that for a good number of young lesbian and gay activists and people who are just community-minded, T is very much a presence, with a desire to get it right and be on the same side. I find this a very exciting change. Trans issues are no longer an afterthought, they are front and center in many discussions, which is encouraging.
Monika: Do you participate in political activism or lobbying? Do you believe transgender women can have a significant impact in politics?
Rachel: I have not been directly active for some time. I was so in the early 70s, then again in the early 90s, so maybe I’m due for another round. I do think transgender women can be effective, I see it. Visibility in politics is crucial, and we are beginning to see more trans women stepping into leadership roles, which is inspiring.
Monika: Many transgender women write memoirs about their journeys. Have you ever considered writing one yourself?
Rachel: People have urged me to, but to be honest, it’s never been a temptation. Besides, my life has had some other major stories, so it would be hard to narrow it down. I prefer to explore identity and transformation through fiction, where I can blend personal truths with creative storytelling.
Monika: Looking back on your journey, would you say you are a happy woman today?
Rachel: Oh yes. One thing I think I can say is that I know myself, have a real sense of who I am, and I’m not sure that someone who has not been through something like the experiences I’ve been through can say that in quite the same way. Happiness comes from authenticity, and I feel deeply grateful to be living my truth.
Monika: Rachel, thank you for the interview!

The main photo: credit to Rubi Rose.
All the photos: courtesy of Rachel Pollack.
© 2013 - Monika Kowalska

Rachel Pollack has passed to the other side. May she find the happiness and love she gave to others. Thank you for all you have done ...
7 April 2023

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